10.30am – 5.00pm
Capitalism is killing the planet. Every day the news gets worse. The desperate drive for profit is tearing apart the ecosystem. Planetary boundaries have been breached as carbon and other greenhouse gases accumulate. We urgently need an eco-socialist movement.
We are hosting a conference on 2 December 2023 to discuss how to create an eco-socialist movement that is rooted in the trade unions, the communities, our schools, colleges and universities, in social movements and our workplaces. Such a movement must tackle the big issues; socialising private wealth, housing and land, ending the market economy, dismantling imperialism, fighting for the abolition of borders, militarism and policing and for a social transformation of the economy from the ground up.
Sponsored by AntiCapitalist Resistance, Transform, Climate Vanguard, Ecosocialist Alliance, Undod, Green Left, Working Class Climate Alliance, Left Unity, Undod Chwith Cymru/Left Unity Wales and several trade union branches.
Organised by Ecosocialism Conference