Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto

Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto is published by AntiCapitalist Resistance. ACR adopted it at their 2024 conference.

Capitalism is driving us towards ecological disaster. Its profit-first, ‘growth at any cost’ logic is incompatible with a sustainable environment or genuine human happiness.

And now the far right is growing – emboldened by election wins in countries across the world- made up of climate deniers, right wing populists, violent nationalists, conspiracy theorists and white supremacists. This reactionary wave has to be stopped with a positive message of social change, solidarity and hope.

This manifesto outlines the kind of movement we need to build and the demands we can raise to build resistance to capitalism and fight for a future based on radical abundance.

We need to put the brakes on endless growth on a finite planet and begin to reorganise our society democratically, based on human need within planetary limits.

We need an ecosocialist revolution.

Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto is published by AntiCapitalist Resistance. ACR adopted it at their 2024 conference.

ISBN: 978-0-902869-52-3 (print)
RRP: £3, €4, $5 (pbk)
50 pages, A5 stapled pamphlet

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