Covid Action launch this Wednesday 31/08 in London!

This week we are publicly re-launching the campaign as Covid Action.  Covid Action means we will take action as we campaign and demand action from the government, local authorities and businesses.

Come down and join the action in London if you can:

Wednesday 31st August


National Covid Memorial Wall SE1 3FT

Share the event page on Facebook and invite friends

Wear a mask (we will have individually-wrapped FFP2 on-hand, but hope to distribute those to passers by!)

This will be a great opportunity to meet other people in the campaign and make a strong intervention against the erasure of the pandemic.

Bring banners and placards! We will be handing out flyers and masks as well! Keep an eye on social media and share photos and videos of the action on the day – please tag @covidactionuk on twitter, instagram, facebook!

There will be speakers from:

  • Covid Action (formerly Zero Covid)
  • Bereaved Families for Justice
  • Keep Our NHS Public
  • Local trade union branches

The pandemic is not over. The pandemic is global. We must take action now to beat this virus. A better world is possible.

Organised by ACR