

March Against Racism For UN Anti Racism Day


Saturday 19 March 2022 – 12 noon – BBC PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, 

Sunday 20 March 2022 – 12 noon – City Hall, Cardiff

A national planning meeting took place on 25 November 2021 with the TUC, bringing together Stand Up To Racism supporters and allies from across trade unions, faith groups, politicians and campaigns to organise for the TUC backed national demonstration in London for UN Anti Racism Day, Saturday 19 March 2022. Similar meetings are taking place in Glasgow and Cardiff with plans to be announced shortly.

UN Anti Racism Day will see international protests taking place in cities around the world under the slogan ‘World Against Racism & Fascism’.

At a time when governments are intensifying hostile environments for refugees and migrants, when the #BlackLivesMatter movement is exposing the depths of institutional racism, and when the far right and fascist forces continue to pose a threat, the day of international demonstrations is extremely important.

Here in Britain we have a cabinet, led by Johnson and Patel, launching a racist offensive, with their Nationality and Borders Bill, Policing Bill, and Higher Education Bill representing a raft of intensified racist policy attacking refugees and migrants, Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities, and the #BlackLivesMatter and wider anti racist movement. They denied institutional racism in their CRED report, and attacked footballers who did #TakeTheKnee actions against racism.

We need to mobilise the anti racist majority in big numbers and build the mass anti racist movement we need to challenge Johnson and Patel’s racist offensive. Join us on Saturday 19 March 2022 on the streets, and share and invite widely.

Organised by Stand up to Racism