

Psychoanalysis and Liberation: Four Arguments

7.00pm – 8.30pm

This online event is to explore the contribution of psychoanalysis to liberation, including
discussion of Neil Faulkner’s last published book Mind Fuck: The Mass Psychology of
Creeping Fascism (Resistance Books). The event will be introduced and chaired by Ian
Parker, author of Radical Psychoanalysis and Anti-Capitalist Action (Resistance Books).
Guest contributors critically reflecting on arguments in Neil Faulkner’s book and talking
about their own work linking psychoanalysis with liberation will be Lara Sheehi, co-author of
Psychoanalysis Under Occupation: Practicing Psychoanalysis in Palestine (Routledge), and
Alicia Valdés, author of Toward a Feminist Lacanian Left: Psychoanalytic Theory and
Intersectional Politics (Routledge). We will have good time for disagreement and discussion.

Radical Psychoanalysis and Anti-Capitalist Action by Ian Parker.
Mind Fuck: The Mass Psychology of Creeping Fascism by Neil Faulkner.
Psychoanalysis Under Occupation – Practicing Resistance in Palestine by Lara Sheehi and Stephen Sheehi.
Toward a Feminist Lacanian Left: Psychoanalytic Theory and Intersectional Politics by Alicia Valdés.

The Neil Faulkner memorial event video is here.

Organised by ACR