Joseph Healy is a member of Anti*Capitalist Resistance.

Germany – The Collapse of the German Left

Non Binaries and Anti‑Zionists. Eurovision Song Contest 2024

Long Covid: The Silent Pandemic Crippling Britain’s Economy and Lives

Breathtaking and the struggle for Covid safety

Vaccine Apartheid – Eugenics Revisited

Smoke and Mirrors – The Unionist Miracle – What’s really happening in the North of Ireland?

Left Perspectives: Navigating Capitalism, Conflict and Authoritarianism in 2023

Scientists and lies – The Covid Inquiry and Jenny Harries

Vaccines – The new division between Haves and Have Nots

Transforming Politics from the Left – A new Left party Transform

The Ireland of Memory and the Ireland of Reality – Biden’s Visit to Ireland

The Vaccine Strategy without Vaccines

The Death of the NHS

Economics Eugenics and Covid – How it played out in Plague Island

Vin au Bord de la Mer (Wine by the Sea)

Save the Buses campaign


Diary of a Pandemic Shop Steward 2022

Migration, homesickness and the Arab Street

The Tottering Unionist Colossus in Ireland

Malaria Moloch and Covid or How I learned to love the virus 

Covid – In Memoriam

Desire International – Russian LGBTQ Art at Pushkin House

Bloody Sunday – 50 years of British injustice in Ireland

The Case for Sharon Graham