Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan – RAWA
While RAWA sincerely thanks V-day and One Billion Rising for generous support in the very tragic moments for the Afghan women, we call upon all justice-loving, progressive and like-minded friends around the world to take part in two distinct actions for raising their voice for Afghanistan and its suppressed women: on Wednesday 1 September 2021 online on Social Media, and out on the Streets on Saturday 25 September 2021.
The online action on Wednesday 1 September is especially important to carry out successfully the action in the streets on Saturday 25 September.
The message for these actions are:
Women of the world and our allies stand with the women – and all vulnerable groups – of Afghani-stan against imperialism, militarism, fundamentalism and fascism. None of us are free until the women of Afghanistan are free.

Women Of The World And All Our Allies Rise, Roar And Rage For The Women In Afghanistan.
A Global Solidarity Action In Your City, Town, School. Everywhere. RISE in the streets, stage creative political protests and artistic risings. Invite everyone, reach out to activists, students, artists, social justice groups, and more.
We follow the lead of Afghan women on the ground. We urgently call upon governments, the UN Security Council and regional entities to:
• Refuse to recognize a Taliban government, which has no legitimacy beyond the brutal force it commands and which terrorizes the people of Afghanistan, girls and women in particular.
• Stop all forms of support to the Taliban, including funding, providing of arms and technical know-how.
• End imperialism, militarism, fascism and religious fundamentalism. Stop and prevent manipulating women’s rights for commercial and other interests.
• Support the women’s resistance to the Taliban inside Afghanistan. Respect and support Afghan women and people’s exercise of their democratic and human rights, including their right to self-determination.
• Evacuate women and men, human rights defenders, journalists, police officers, public employees, athletes, and LGBTI+ who wish to leave the country and ensure their safe passage.
• Create an independent body of observers, made up of a majority of women, who have a track record of promoting women’s human rights to monitor the situation in Afghanistan.
• Welcome refugees, with the US and their allies assuming the responsibility of financing the cost of resettling displaced people from Afghanistan.
• Immediately open humanitarian corridors to support the people of Afghanistan.
• Stop arms trade policies and the military-industrial complex, which profits from the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world.
The link for signing in for both actions is:
Rise For and With Afghanistan – Organization Sign Up
You may email the organizers at:
RAWA highly appreciates your solidarity in action.