ACR has joined the Fourth International

Anniversary of Malcolm X’s assassination

Stop Trump’s sell out : Russian troops out of Ukraine: Solidarity with Ukraine

Why we are marching

We need a housing revolution

Anti*Capitalist Resistance (Paper issue 5)

ACR Statement: Trump’s Second Term – Now is the time for a global fightback

Please Support Verso Books

Solidarity and unity now

Hands off Trans Kids

After the Landslide: Resistance and Realignment

Episode 15: Statement on the 2024 General Election

Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto (audio version)

Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto

The fight for Trans* Liberation – ACR statement

General Election 2024: End the Tyranny of Conservative Rule

Nakba Protests

UK University Campuses Erupt in Pro‑Palestine Protests

A Just Transition for GKN Autoworkers

Cass means social Murder

French AntiCapitalists denounce the racist offensive and support Aya Nakamura

GKN fundraising appeal

What is ecosocialism? (new leaflet)

Stonewall Guidance

A*CR Statement on the New Section 28

Interview with Ukrainian and Russian socialists

Left Perspectives: Navigating Capitalism, Conflict and Authoritarianism in 2023

AC Radio Episode 12 – the fight for Palestinian liberation

AC Radio Episode 11 – The London Revolution, 1640‑43 with Michael Sturza

ACR Statement on Palestine

ACR appeal for Ecosocialism Conference

Royal Mail’s Strike Saga: An Inside Look into CWU’s Fight for Fair Pay and Job Security

The Big One – a photo essay

“everything, everywhere, all at once (a new ACR leaflet)

AC Radio Episode 10 – The Fashion Industry under Capitalism

The Human Cost of Ofsted Inspections: A Tipping Point in Education

Unprecedented United Front: Teachers, Doctors, and LU Staff Together for a Monumental Day of Protest

Donate to POSLE

Challenging Capitalism: Perspectives from Anti*Capitalist Resistance

Britain: Wave of strike action continues ahead of Budget day

Dangerous Liaisons: The marriages and divorces of Marxism and Feminism

Statement on one year of war in Ukraine – ACR steering Committee

Care workers clap back: strikes, unions and the exodus from care

Trans*Mission and rs21

Brianna Ghey – Remember Her Name

Anti*Capitalist Resistance says NO to Transphobia! NO to Queerphobia!

Anti*Capitalist Resistance says NO to Transphobia! NO to Queerphobia!

Anti*Capitalist Resistance in the North of England (new leaflet)

“Walkout Wednesday” (a photo essay)

Unchain Our Unions! (updated leaflet)

Call for international action on 1 February 

Call for solidarity actions with anti‑war activists in Russia

Programme and class to fight trans oppression — a reply

A Year in Articles

Mamadou Ba

ACRadio Episode 3: Neil Faulkner/Brazil

COP27‑ Still Fiddling While the World Burns

ACRadio Episode 2: Tories in Meltdown

Britain in crisis! Tories in meltdown! What next?

ACR Statement on Scottish self‑determination

Enough Already


Sarah Parker: socialist feminist and tireless fighter for Kurdistan

Wales youth march against nukes

The Crisis is Only Just Beginning

Remembering Sarah Parker

Our Submission to The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales

British Trades Unions in a state of flux

Solidarity with the RMT

Unions Stand with Ukraine

Russian troops out of Ukraine/Down with all imperialist power/ Solidarity with the people of Ukraine

Ecosocialist Alliance Statement – Ukraine/Climate Emergency

Refugees need solidarity, not a hostile environment