The recent Cass Report is an absolute broadside against trans* rights in this country. The report is supposed to be an objective look at healthcare for trans* children but “at the core of the Cass Review is the notion that being trans* is inherently undesirable and that the worst outcome for a trans* child is to become a trans* adult.”
Dressed up in the language of support for the community it in fact recommends “extraordinary attacks on the autonomy of trans* youth. She goes so far as to suggest medicalising social transition, implying that children might need a doctor’s approval to go by a new name, adopt new pronouns, or wear specific gendered clothing.”
We have an article about it
online here which we have also turned into a broadsheet for distribution.
There is a protest on Saturday in central London, meeting at 11:30 Parliament Square. We will be there with flags and our new broadsheet. If you can make it please do so as solidarity with trans* people and active opposition to these attacks is so crucial at this moment.