The monthly Uyghur solidarity protest at the Chinese Embassy coincides this November with the COP26 climate change conference. Join us to demand climate justice & freedom for the Uyghur people.
The Uyghur homeland, colonised by China, has the largest oil & gas deposits in China’s borders. Chinese corporations have found several huge new fossil fuel discoveries just in the last few years. It’s no surprise that Beijing is intent on suppressing Uyghur self-determination, to ensure that the profits from extracting these resources go to Chinese corporations & state bureaucrats. We know the Uyghurs have always been left behind, in their own homeland, by Chinese state “development” projects.
With temperatures rising, the last thing the world needs is more fossil fuels dug up & burned. We say: leave fossil fuels in the ground! Stop colonial exploitation of the Uyghur homeland!
To curb global warming and save lives, the world needs to move fast to low-carbon energy. We need a just, democratic transition that puts people & the planet before profit, and protects human rights & workers’ rights. So we must also demand an end to the widespread use of forced Uyghur labour in the manufacture of solar panels! We stand in solidarity with the Uyghur people against their oppression & enslavement, and with workers across China facing a regime that protects hyper-exploiting corporate & state bosses by banning independent trade unions.
Organised by Uyghur Solidarity UK