When the accusation of antisemitism becomes a weapon in the hands of neofascism

What’s behind the accusation of antisemitism hurled at Karim Khan

“Antisemitism” Accusations Used to Suppress Palestinian Cause and People

Hackney stands with Diane

Charges of antisemitism weaponised

Antisemitism and stalinist realism

Walking the Tightrope

Defend the right to protest, strike and boycott..

The Wrong Sort of Jew: A Play Exposing Labour’s Antisemitic Purge

The Labour Files – The Forde Response – Al Jazeera Investigations

Starmer bans Corbyn

Antisemitic Zionists Aren’t a Contradiction in Terms

Labour silence on abuse uncovered in reports

The Labour Files

Whatever Happened to Antisemitism?

Support the Grassroots 5

At last, the Forde Report

Palestinian solidarity and the ‘antisemitism’ smear: analysing the politics of a witch‑hunt