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COP 26
COP27 was a spectacular failure – boycotting future COP conferences, however, would only compound the problem
Beyond Glasgow – what happened at COP26 and where we go next
After Glasgow COP26: build the global movement
COP 26 was a failure… the future is in our hands now
COP26, Carbon Capitalism, and the Necessity of Red‑Green Revolution
The COP 26 Cops Out
Eco‑socialist strategies in the Anthropocene
Financing the climate
Michael Roberts // 06.11.2021
COP26 a day of demonstrations
The Glasgow COP: Zero carbon by 2050 is far too late!
Getting Used to Climate Catastrophe
COP26: Enough blah blah, only struggle pays off
Ecosocialism not extinction!
Latin America: Heading to the UN Climate Change Conference: Climate Change and Extractivism
COP26‑ Spain to Glasgow via Coventry
Rob Marsden // 10.10.2021
EcoSocialism Not Extinction broadsheet
EcoSocialist Alliance // 24.09.2021
Part 2: Why mobilising around COP26 is critical
Part 1: Mapping the resistance on a burning planet
On the brink – the scenario that the IPCC is not modelling