News and analysis

Why Socialists Oppose the Two‑Child Welfare Cap

In this article, Simon Hannah explores why socialists vehemently oppose the government's two-child welfare cap, arguing that it stems from austerity measures and reactionary views on the poor.

France after the elections: How should the radical left act?

In the wake of the National Assembly's dissolution and new parliamentary configuration, La France Insoumise (LFI) should adopt a clear stance of radical opposition, emphasizing its commitment to anticapitalist principles and democratic reforms while avoiding any compromise with the existing government unless it secures absolute majority support from the populace, argues Gilbert Achcar.

Hands off Trans Kids

A pamphlet from Anti*Capitalist Resistance.

Two Child Benefit Revolt

Dave Kellaway responds to the revolt by Labour MPs and others to the Labour government keeping the Tories’ hated two child benefit cap.

Trump, Biden and Divine Intervention

In a stunning turn of events, Joe Biden has withdrawn from the presidential race, endorsing Kamala Harris, while Donald Trump, recently surviving an assassination attempt, has solidified his position as the Republican nominee with a fervent display of strength and divine favour. By Dan La Botz


We seek revolutionary transformation to meet the compound crisis of ecological disaster, economic collapse, social decay, grotesque inequality, mass impoverishment, growing militarisation, and creeping authoritarianism.


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The beginning of the end of China’s rise?

This is the second interview in a two-part series. The first interview (“Opposing US militarisation in the Asia-Pacific should not mean remaining silent on China’s emerging imperialism“) covered the nature of China’s state, its status in the world today, and implications for peace and solidarity activism.

On the raging student movement in Bangladesh

Who was Che?

I love America and the world

On the Murder of Children and the Return of Genocide to Banality

From the dissolution of the National Assembly to the creation of the New Popular Front

The U.S. hurtles toward political crisis




Trans Pride Day 27 July – London


Organised by Trans Pride


Creeping Fascism in Europe

Making Sense of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine


Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto

This manifesto was agreed at Anti*Capitalist Resistance conference in June 2024

The RCP – a new chapter in the British millenarian tradition

Fascism has gone beyond creeping… we are in deep trouble

Are teachers the (new) proletarians?

Traumas & Futures

Karl Marx and Ecology: An Interview with Michael Löwy

Lenin’s Political Work


Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto

Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto is published by AntiCapitalist Resistance. ACR adopted it at their 2024 conference. Capitalism is driving us towards ecological disaster. Its profit-first, ‘growth at any cost’ logic is incompatible with a sustainable environment or genuine human happiness. And now the far right is growing – emboldened by election wins in countries across the […]

Internationalism or Russification

Internationalism or Russification A study in the Soviet nationalities problem by Ivan Dzuyba Internationalism or Russification? was written in 1965 while there was a wave of political repression in Ukraine. In the book, Dzyuba analyses from a Marxist position the national and cultural policy of the Soviet Union in Ukraine. The book was first sent to the Secretary of the Central […]

Israel’s War on Gaza

ISRAEL’S WAR ON GAZA by Gilbert Achcar Israel has seized the opportunity of Hamas’s operation on 7 October 2023 to devastate Gaza, reducing it to rubble, massacring a huge number of its inhabitants and forcing the rest to flee. Another Nakba is underway, 75 years after the creation of Israel. This booklet includes articles by Gilbert […]

Making Sense of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Making Sense of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine by Paul Le Blanc In this small book, Paul Le Blanc tries to ‘make sense of the Russian invasion of Ukraine’. His starting point is for a victory for Ukrainian self-determination and opposition to imperialism in all its forms. Paul Le Blanc tackles the following themes: What Mistaken Friends Say […]