Susan Pashkoff is a revolutionary Marxist, Economist, political activist and blogger. She writes on issues around US and British politics and economics, gender and women’s oppression, and disability.

Rubio: “They must be eliminated; they must be eradicated.”

We are not going backward, we are marching forward!

Fascism has gone beyond creeping… we are in deep trouble

Welfare Reform Redux

The UK economy is in Recession: Quelle surprise!

100 Days of the Israeli Attack on Gaza

Economic stagnation, Incompetent Economic Policies and Neoliberalism

Disability and Inclusion: Some theory and praxis

Gaza Ceasefire Now!

The war against Gaza’s civilians must be stopped … revenge is not justice!

Solidarity with US Auto Workers

On Reproductive Justice, the dangers of Malthusianism, Neo‑Malthusianism and Social Policy

If “Modernisation” on Rail means job cuts and safety issues, is Privatisation the Problem?

Some Thoughts on Solidarity, Morality, Guilt and Atonement…

Beyond Evil and Lesser Evil

Women’s Continual Impoverishment as UK Government Policy: Women and the Cost of Living Crisis

Building Solidarity

A Sigh of Relief, but Not Out of the Woods by any Means: US Midterm Elections 2022

Post‑Roe struggles over abortion rights – and what they mean about US democracy

“Fiddling While Rome burns”

Watching the Tory Leadership debates

NYC Abortion rights demo 24/6 2022

Planes, trains and a cost of living crisis

Sunak’s Cost of Living announcement: progressive changes but no long‑term solutions

Bans off our Bodies Protest

Jane Collective

Why is there no right to social care?

Waltham Forest women organise against violence against all women and girls

In Honour of International Women’s Day: In the Words of Our Founding Mothers

Summit of Democracy?

The COP 26 Cops Out

Some Musings on the 4th of July as an Homage to my Mother