International Women’s Day 2024

Across Britain as across the world March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day. Terry Conway looks at some of the events she knows about - share yours in the comments


It is certainly apposite that many of the events marking March 8 this year across Britain will include a particular mention of Palestine – while others will centre of that struggle against genocide and settler colonialism.

So the event below is being organised by my local Unison branch, that is the main trade union organising workers who are employed by Islington council. i have seen the same design being used for similar events in different localities.

An evening of live performances and a lecture on the history of Palestinian music from femxle Palestinian artists from electronic live sets to jazz to spoken word 🇵🇸🎵🎤in Glasgow and in Hackney

DJ @_hibasalameh joins us from Haifa and will be presenting a lecture on the history of Palestinian music 🗣️ Palestinian raised singer @theyazminism will be performing live, fusing traditional Arabic songs with jazz 🎷@tasneimzyada published poet and international performer, will present spoken word 📣 Palestinian DJ and selector @jeneen_sh will be live, drawing influence from the UK music scene and her experience back home 🎧 Nada Shawa will be performing 💃All will participate in a Q&A hosted by @luma_dj as a moment for reflection about ongoing events in Palestine ❤️

Tickets are £10 – click link in bio to buy to snap them up!

In the heart of imperialism, we will be marching to highlight the radical roots of 8th March, a day when women protested, marched, and went on strike.

As feminists in Manchester, we stand in solidarity with the oppressed, demanding an end to violence and fighting for a better world than the one led by patriarchy, capitalism and imperialism.

Join us in Whitworth Park at 5:00pm on Friday 8th March to express solidarity with the struggles of the women of Palestine, Sudan and beyond.

The Manchester event above organised by a wide coaltion of groups has a broader focus, giving women organising over other issues voice as well. So too does the online event below – which you can still get tickets here up to the end of the month and watch then though its live at the moment

Rising Women in the Global South – Solidarity Rally on #IWD2024

Annual ‘Arise’ rally on #IWD24, in solidarity with Palestine & the ongoing progressive rebellions in Africa, Latin America & beyond.

All good initiaves, but i mourn the days of my youth when it wouldnt just have been Manchester that was on the streets but every city in Cymru, Scotland and England alongside discussion events marking struggles of yesterday and today, exploring our history at home and abroad. And there are protests taking place in many parts of the world today and over the next couple of days. For 2025 lets hope it is possible to plan more effective and inclusive rallies and marches here in Britain

I also wanted to use this opportunity to share what i know about what women are doing elsewhere in the world. Here are three pieces from Mexico celebrating the lives of sisters who made a particular contribution to the struggle, under the rubric Women’s self-organisation, the road to our liberation. Sharing information about the role women have played and are playing in struggles today is an important part of March 8.

🌼 Epitacia Zamora Teodoro, “Pita”, as we knew her, was an indigenous Nahua woman who led the movement against mining extractivism and for the commons in her community, Zacualpan, Comala, Colima.  

Her work in defence of the territory and the environment earned her chauvinist accusations and political persecution. However, thanks to her determination and tenacity, she managed to become the first woman to hold a position within the Zacualpan Communal Property Commissariat and to open the way for other women to participate in the decision-making process in her community. 

In this way, her people managed to stop the mega-projects that the government and businessmen wanted to install in Zacualpan.   Pita died on 23 February 2015, at the age of 57, as a result of myelodysplastic anaemia, caused by the agrochemicals to which she was exposed during her years as a farm worker.  

 Today, her figure and ideals are a reference for the social movements and the rural and indigenous people of Colima.

For the international feminist anti-patriarchal, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist feminist struggle!

Araceli Osorio is a UNAM worker, trade unionist and human rights activist.   In 2017 when her daughter Lesvy Berlin was murdered for reasons of her gender in Mexico City, Araceli waged a battle to demonstrate that it was not a suicide but a feminicide and to achieve full justice for Lesvy, which is why today both the feminicide and the officials who initially obstructed the Right to her Dignified Memory by lacking due process and due diligence, are being brought to justice. 

🌱 Araceli continues to fight for a life free of violence for women, supporting other mothers, survivors and their families seeking justice or searching for their disappeared relatives, as well as all kinds of self-organised struggles against inequality, oppression and repression. 

For the international feminist anti-patriarchal, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist feminist struggle!

Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, mother of the disappeared activist Jesús Piedra Ibarra, founded the Comité Pro Defensa de Presos, Perseguidos, Desaparecidos y Exiliados Políticos de la guerra sucia en el México de los años sesenta y setenta (Committee for the Defence of Prisoners, the Persecuted, the Disappeared and Political Exiles of the Dirty War in Mexico in the sixties and seventies).  

🌿After the committee won amnesty for more than a thousand prisoners in the country and the presentation of dozens of disappeared, Rosario forged the unity of the Mexican left in the National Front Against Repression. 

A symbol of unity, Rosario was the first woman candidate for the presidency in history, in 1982 and then in 1988. She was a speaker who tugged at the heartstrings of anyone who would listen.  

🌺 She served as a federal deputy from 1985 to 1988 and senator from 2006 to 2012, and, awarded the Belisario Domínguez Medal in 2019, always independent, she transferred it to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador with the phrase, “I leave in your hands the custody of such precious recognition and I ask you to return it to me along with the truth.”

For the international feminist anti-patriarchal, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist feminist struggle!

There will also be an opportunity on Saturday 9 March at 6pm to hear from Ukranian feminists on zoom here.

During this meeting, activists from the Feminist Workshop (Lviv, Ukraine) will talk about the situation of women in Ukraine: before and after the beginning of the war and the Russian invasion. The Feminist Workshop will also explain to us their activities and their fight, including their struggle for equality and against sexism in Ukrainian society.

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