Al‑Aqsa Flood, the West and the Holocaust: A Conversation

Why Hezbollah’s still standing despite Israel assassinating Hassan Nasrallah

“Israel is now turning against Lebanon to secure its northern border”

Hezbollah’s Miscalculation

Ukraine under Russian occupation

Strategic Reflections on the Escalation of Israeli Intimidation in Lebanon

Lebanon and the Israeli Strategy of Intimidation

Israel, Not Iran or Hezbollah, Wants a Wider War

Joe Biden’s Crime Against Humanity

On the Murder of Children and the Return of Genocide to Banality

When the accusation of antisemitism becomes a weapon in the hands of neofascism

The Collapse of Zionism

Is the drumbeat of war on the Israel/Lebanon front a prelude to all‑out war?

How Biden Mutated into a Dove

The Drums of War are Banging in Europe

Rafah and El Fasher: Genocidal War and Duty of Solidarity

‘The scenes of the Nakba are repeating’: Rafah in panic as Israeli invasion begins

Political repression backfires, and pro‑Palestinian campus protests grow across the U.S.

From civil war to active support for Gaza in Yemen

Gaza: 7 October in Historical Perspective

Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom: A Socialist Case for Solidarity and Self‑Determination

No Path to Peace in Ukraine Through This Fantasy World

Palestine’s fate in light of the onslaught on Gaza

Students in the United States Demand an End of Support for the War Against Gaza

The postponed Israeli attack on Iran

The coming Israeli attack on Iran

“Tehran found itself backed into a corner by the attack on its consulate.”

The “State of Palestine” between liquidating the cause and continuing the struggle

Palestine, Ukraine and the crisis of empires

In the face of war, solidarity is being organised in Sudan

Towers of Ivory and Steel

The US Administration’s Hypocrisy and Israel’s Insolence

“Stop the War” Means “Death to the Dictatorship”

Arguments for a “left agenda” faced with the war in Ukraine

Ukraine: “Tensions are building… due to the neoliberal policies imposed by the government”

Russia turns Ukraine’s occupied areas into an armed camp

From Ukraine to Palestine – Occupation is a Crime

It is dark before the dawn, but Israeli settler colonialism is at an end

BDS movement more important than ever

Why Putin invaded: a socialist analysis

“Tensions are building in Ukrainian society as a result of neoliberal policies imposed by the government”

Israel’s Genocidal War After Four Months

Dubious Claims Shouldn’t Impede Humanitarian Relief

The Epistemicide of the Palestinians: Israel Destroys Pillars of Knowledge

Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister:”Israel pursues objectives similar to those of Russia”!

The first US‑Israeli joint war

Impact of Israeli Genocidal War in Gaza on the Middle East

In Gaza, the West is enabling the most transparent genocide in human history

Gaza war offers the ultimate marketing tool for Israeli arms companies

The Revolution against the Odds: an Interview on Rojava with Anya Rebrii and Liza Shishko (Part II: Survival against the Odds)

War of narratives

Inside Israel’s torture camp for Gaza detainees

Doublespeak on Gaza

The Zionist destruction machine threatens Lebanon after Gaza

Ukraine: Russian troops out—Stop the genocide

Do you condemn Žižek?

Interview with Ukrainian and Russian socialists

Red Clinic: Psychoanalysis in Solidarity with Gaza

Vigil 2 – taking on the cover up

Whither Israel’s War on Gaza?

Left Perspectives: Navigating Capitalism, Conflict and Authoritarianism in 2023

What solution in Palestine?

The Zionist Genocidal War and Its Accomplices

Brief: Temporary Ceasefire, Permanent Suffering

Catastrophe in Palestine and Israel: Apartheid on the Road to Genocide

Condemnation, which also speaks for Gaza

How the Palestinians of Gaza live with Hamas

Unprecedented humanitarian crisis amidst imperialist intervention and counter‑revolutionary revenge in Yemen

Netanyahu will have to pay the price for hubris

Starmer’s Middle East speech: A meek bourgeois perspective masks Imperialist violence

From Ukraine to Palestine: the right of peoples to self‑determination

The Day After Hamas — with Gilbert Achcar

Walking the Tightrope

Hezbollah is increasingly isolated in the Middle East

Gaza, the West, and the Rest

Palestine and Ukraine: how the 21st century empires wage war

Red Clinic stands with Palestine

The West cannot escape the extension of the Israeli‑Palestinian conflict

Gaza: between a second Nakba and the revival of the Oslo fiction

Gaza: The Impending Catastrophe and the Urgency of Stopping It

A Surprise Attack–but Nothing Surprising About It

Shattered illusions: Gaza attack draws comparisons to 1973 and exposes fatal flaws in Israel’s policies

A letter from Palestine

On Hamas’s October Counter‑Offensive

On “Violence” and “clashes” between Palestinians and Apartheid Israel

“It feels like the apocalypse”

Stand with Ukraine: TUC Backs Their Right to Resist Russian Aggression

A Palestinian View on Ukraine: Parallels of Occupation and Solidarity

Russia: I’m a Ukrainian leftist. This is why I support Boris Kagarlitsky

Ukraine and the abstraction of violence: my reply to Tom Dale

Governments are reinforcing fossil fuels’ power. We need to build alliances against it

Ban cluster bombs – Ukraine is no exception

Climate collapse threatens slide to fascism and war

What does Prigozhin’s march mean?

“What did each of us do to stop this nightmare?”

Corbyn in Budapest: “We Have to Be Organised on an International Basis”

“They Also Used to Laugh at Hitler”

Global Post‑Fascism and the War in Ukraine

Statement of the anti‑war committee of Kyrgyzstan

Western capital, warmonger Putin and the climate policy disaster

Washington Is Obstructing the Path to a Political Settlement in Ukraine

From Ukraine to Palestine: The Poisons of Denialism

A Sudanese Dream

Solidarity with Sudan

‘Life‑and‑death battle’

War Clouds Thicken Over Taiwan, What Should the Left‑wing Standpoint be?

Ransacking Iraq

Feminist resistance in Russia

Consistent anti‑imperialism and the Ukraine war

One year after the Russian invasion, what should solidarity with Ukraine look like?

“Russia Is Giving Carte Blanche to the Far Right”

Statement on one year of war in Ukraine – ACR steering Committee

What Russian Socialists did on the Anniversary of the Invasion?

On the Anniversary of Russia’s War on Ukraine: Analysing the Roots of Russian Imperialism

Happy birthday, Kirill Butylin

‘Ukraine is fighting occupiers and tormenters’

“Now Ukraine Needs Allies, Not Talk of Neutrality”

Ukraine: this new cold war must end before the world faces Armageddon

Russia‑Ukraine: one year of war – the economics

We Say: War on War!

Supporting Ukraine—Without Writing a Blank Check

The Nord Stream pipeline explosions: challenging false narratives

The Ukraine War and the Cost of Living Crisis

“Support Is Vital throughout One’s Imprisonment, Even if It Is Very Long.” Part 2

The invasion of Ukraine one year on

No arms to Ukraine?

The Far Right in Ukraine (An Interview with Taras Bilous)

The pro‑Putin demands of Britain’s “Stop the War” campaign

The orchestra of the blind, the deaf, the amnesiacs, the storytellers and the accomplices plays its score

Five Theoretical Reflections on Ukrainian Resistance

The crisis of hegemony, imperialism and global security challenges

The anti‑imperialist position is to support the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people’

Making sense of the Ukraine war

What are the Lessons of Vietnam for Ukraine Today?

Resisting war and repression in Putin’s Russia

Russia: the time for protest has gone, it’s time for resistance

Call for solidarity actions with anti‑war activists in Russia

Social Movement (Ukraine): Looking back at 2022

The price of gas and the costs of war

Are Peace Talks Possible? Prof. Gilbert Achcar on Whether Russia & Ukraine Can Negotiate End to War

Great Power Rivalry Resurgent

Russia. Renaissance is not going to happen

“Power Should Return to the People”

The Left View on the Prospects of Peace Negotiations

Ukraine: “Which Peace Are We Talking About?” An Interview with Gilbert Achcar

For a democratic antiwar position on the invasion of Ukraine

On Chechen Resistance and Postcolonial Solidarity

Q&A: Navigating the Left’s Ukraine Debate

Goodbye, “Russian Romance!”: an Interview with Kavita Krishnan. Part 2

Goodbye, “Russian Romance!”: an Interview with Kavita Krishnan. Part 1

Exiled Russian Activist Challenges Pacifist Approach to Ending War on Ukraine

Ukrainian socialist Denys Pilash: ‘Russia will only negotiate if it suffers some defeats’

No, the West Didn’t Halt Ukraine’s Peace Talks With Russia

The limits of western economic war with Russia and the failure of climate policy   

“Stop the War!” Discussions of the German Left

Voices From Ukraine

Outside of Ukraine, “Leftists” are accustomed to only listening to those from Moscow: Interview with anarcho‑syndicalists in Eastern Ukraine

Ukraine Information Group launched

Putin’s Annexation of More Ukrainian Territory is Part of Pattern of Ethnocide and Genocide. Stand with Ukraine.

War and resistance in Putin’s Russia

Not a Single Soldier for the Criminal War!

Untimely Thoughts: Notes on Revolution and Ukraine

Support Ukrainian Resistance and Disempower Fossil Capital

Did Lenin Create Ukraine? On the Right of Nations to Self‑Determination and Marxism

Ukraine, war and the British left

“Putin Doesn’t Know Any War Except Class War”

‘Today, people are not just fighting for Ukraine but to destroy the Russian regime’

The Need for Anti‑War Socialist Feminism

The Ecological Scars of War

Lenin, Ukraine, and the Amnesia of the “Anti‑war Left”

Ukraine and the Dangers of Nuclear War

Ukraine could abandon key labour principle as part of EU drive

I’m a Ukrainian Socialist. Here’s Why I Resist the Russian Invasion

“When there’s a problem, people come to us”

The Weaponisation of Food

The War in Ukraine and the Contradictions of Turkish Politics

British Trade Unions Donate Vehicle and Medical Equipment to Ukrainian Counterparts

“We were for peace!” Only they were not

I’m a Ukrainian Socialist. Here’s Why I Resist the Russian Invasion.

10 Terrible Leftist Arguments against Ukrainian Resistance

Ukraine and the Peace Movement

Towards a new permanent global war?

“The right to resist.” A feminist manifesto

The guerrilla war on Belarus’s railways

Rally around the Flag or “Defensive Consolidation”?

The aggressor always needs peace, the oppressed always need liberation

After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

NATO and a War Foretold

In the War: Nationalism, Imperialism, Cosmopolitics

Ukrainians face forcible deportation and conscription by Russian forces

Why is Ukrainian resistance invisible to you?

Reinventing Nazism for state propaganda: How morality is being replaced by force 

Inside the Ukrainian Resistance

NATO From Bad to Worse

‘Death sentences’ of British & Moroccan POWs in occupied Donbas show clearly why Russia must be driven out of all of Ukraine

Ukraine’s ecosystems: the price for global food security

Why is the Kremlin so committed to this war?

The Conquest of Ukraine and the History of Russian Imperialism

Unafraid to Be Called a “National Traitor”

Russia is kaputt

War in Ukraine: solidarity with Ukrainian resistance, against all imperialisms

With the resistance of the Ukrainian people for its victory against the aggression

In a Broken Society, Who Supports the *Not‑War?

‘The Russian empire is failing in its own way’

Gone Rogue: The Left and Ukraine

The Ukraine War Will End, But How?


Putin’s conquest of southeast Ukraine: Vexed questions of ‘negotiations’, gotcha moments and real imperial interests

Revolutionary defeatism, yesterday and today

Russia: a new wave of anti‑war protest

How the Russian Public Sees Events in Ukraine Today

“A form of political paralysis is affecting the French left over the war in Ukraine”

Report: International conference of European Solidarity with Ukraine

The Justice Train from Bucha

Cultural destruction – why it matters

Fascism and the Imperialism of the Kremlin

“Humanitarian aid alone is not enough”

A Tremendous Resistance: Feminists in Russia against the War and Patriarchy

Resisting the War to Push for a More Egalitarian World.

On the Frontier of Whiteness? Expropriation, War, and Social Reproduction in Ukraine

Female Face of Russian Anti‑war Movement: Why Women Protest?

Ukraine, Global War Economy, and the Crisis of Capitalism

From Managed Democracy to Fascism

Against Putin’s War in Ukraine

Russia’s Bucha ‘Facts’ Versus the Evidence

Holding Putin Accountable Would Require an Actual Rules‑Based World Order

Once More: Should socialists support or oppose NATO arms to Ukraine?

Climate change and wars

Ukraine and the Left

Can the God of global fascists and Nazis “de‑Nazify” a country?

London: Trade unions rally to support Ukraine!

Ukrainian socialist: ‘The future of demilitarisation lies in stopping Russia’s war machine now’

Against Russian Imperialism

NATO, Explained

For Arms Manufacturers, the War in Ukraine Is a Profits Bonanza

The bankruptcy of a one‑sided “anti‑imperialism”

Putin is not only waging war on Ukraine, he is also destroying Russian society

Russian troops out of Ukraine/Down with all imperialist power/ Solidarity with the people of Ukraine

Ukraine and anti‑imperialism — Gilbert Achcar and Alex Callinicos debate

From Israel to Russia, occupiers are remaking the world order

An embarrassing war: what to do when Russia attacks Ukraine but you are left‑wing?

From Cold War to Hot Peace

March for Ukraine

End the addiction to fossil fuel‑ support the Ukrainian resistance

Six cats, thirty people, four mortar shells. Two weeks in the occupied Kyiv suburb

Ukraine: the sources of danger of a wider war

Xi, Please Ask Putin to Withdraw His Troops

Six FAQs on Anti‑Imperialism Today and the War in Ukraine

Ecosocialist Alliance Statement – Ukraine/Climate Emergency

“Global Britain ”, “AUKUS”, etc. Anglosphere supremacism and the promised wars in the China Sea

RUSSIA: Manifesto of the Coalition “Socialists Against War”

‘No war but the class war’. Not a very useful slogan

“The Left in the West Must Rethink”

Against Imperialist War! Ukraine, Russia, NATO and the U.S

NATO, imperialism and the war

Refugees need solidarity, not a hostile environment

Murky future. What would Putin do in case of his military defeat?

Stop Putin’s war!

Russian War on Ukraine Churns American Politics

‘We need a peoples’ solidarity with Ukraine and against war, not the fake solidarity of governments’

Ukraine: No To Partition! Yes To Reunification!

How Russia’s war will help reshape Britain’s economy

Why Ukraine is a Syrian cause

A strategy for the working class in Ukraine

Against war in Ukraine and the New Imperialism: A Letter of Solidarity with the Oppressed

Bulgaria: Between Pro‑War Consensus and the Need for an Anti‑War Movement

Not all refugees are equal

War in Ukraine: Ten Lessons from Syria

The World According to Russian Propaganda

Ukraine and the left

Russian troops out of Ukraine

How Europe Learned to Use Central Banks as a Weapon

Defend Ukraine, defend the planet

Don’t Be a Tankie: How the Left Should Respond to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

A memorandum on the radical anti‑imperialist position regarding the war in Ukraine

An echo from the past

Sanctions, a question of who, where and when

On appearing to be on the same side as one’s own imperialism

Stop Pretending the Left Is on Putin’s Side

Putin’s war in Ukraine: In Saddam Hussein’s footsteps

Stop Putin’s Aggression Immediately!

Hands off Ukraine

NATO and imperial domination

A*C.R: Statement on the Israeli Attack on Gaza