‘Out of the mouths of babies…’

General Election 2024: End the Tyranny of Conservative Rule

No Borders, no nations, no deportations

Long Covid: The Silent Pandemic Crippling Britain’s Economy and Lives

Sunak’s Assault on the Sick: Blaming the Victims of Capitalism’s Failures

Empowering Birmingham: The Case for Participatory Democracy

The Ideology of Anti Extremism

Gove plays the extremism card

The Budget Show

Palestine frames British politics today

Stonewall Guidance

The UK economy is in Recession: Quelle surprise!

Independence Is Possible Says Commission

NHS Junior Doctors fight on after longest strike

Post Office: How Corporate Business Stole People’s Lives

A*CR Statement on the New Section 28

Economic stagnation, Incompetent Economic Policies and Neoliberalism

No way a ‘fair COP’!!

The Plot

Tory Government continues its attack on civil rights

The press must determine if those in power continue to believe COVID “is just nature’s way of dealing with old people”

Writing on the Wall for Sunak and Starmer

Independence, Democracy and Lying Tories

Suella Braverman’s speech shows Tory culture wars’ election strategy

New COVID 19 Variant Raises Concerns as UK Government Expands Booster Program

Vaccines – The new division between Haves and Have Nots

The Tory crisis, Starmer’s caution, and the left alternative

On Reproductive Justice, the dangers of Malthusianism, Neo‑Malthusianism and Social Policy

Drowning in Dividends: The Failed Privatisation of Britain’s Water Industry

Hunt’s ‘no more money’ claim aims to blame workers for massive cuts

Dump the Tories but organise for an anti‑capitalist alternative

Trans*Mission Weekly Roundup

In Praise of Non‑Conformists!

Trans*Mission Weekly Roundup

Tory Rebels: Mad Hatters and Creeping Fascism

Fascism Creeps into the UK: The Rise of Authoritarianism and the Threat to Democracy

Where Names Do Matter

You have had money stolen from you…

Tories go low, Labour go lower – on the Labour attack ad

“Once more unto the breach….”

Tory budget – behind the gloss it is the Same Old Tories

The Inhumanity of Power: Suella Braverman’s Chilling Words and the Drip, Drip of Fear and Hatred

The Human Story Behind the UK Budget: A Decade of Tory Economic Mismanagement

Blood Sport: The BBC vs the Tories

“HS2 Delay – Levelling Up in Doubt”

The Secret Messaging Dilemma: The Ethics of UK Government Officials Using WhatsApp”

Labour’s shameful failure to defend migrant workers

The UK’s Illegal Migration Bill: Sustaining Divisive Myths and Fuelling Far‑Right Extremism

Aggravated Activism Day

The Death Penalty and the Reactionary Right: A Violation of Human Rights

Strike wave continues to build across Britain

The Vaccine Strategy without Vaccines

The Britishvolt gigafactory collapse

Free Our Unions leaflet


Building Solidarity

Outrage as UK Tories attack Trans Rights and Scottish Devolution

A statement from Scottish civil society organisations on the UK Government’s intervention on the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

“Irrational and Insulting: A Vindictive Assault on Basic Freedoms”

Call for international action on 1 February 

The Fight Goes on

TUC to hold national ‘protect the right to strike’ day on February 1

Making Parliamentary Democracy safe for Imperialism: One Nation Conservatism in the UK

Protect the right to strike!

Catch 22! – 48 hours of Tory Corruption and Confusion

The Baroness, the VIP lane and PPE profits

The Truss farce and capital’s dilemmas in funding the state

Rishi Sunak – can he fix it for the Tories?

Conservatives: Faction Fighting and Desperation

Britain in crisis! Tories in meltdown! What next?

Why the ‘markets’ are not god

We must win

Trussonomics: A Very Short Introduction

Austerity 2.0

Class war

Banker’s Bonuses and the Economics of Inequality

British Capitalism on the Brink

Return of the Dinosaurs

The King, his Prime Minister and the Class Struggle

Continuity Misrule 

“Fiddling While Rome burns”

Who is Suella Braverman?

After Johnson: Spartans propel surge to the right

Johnson – self pitying and delusional to the end

Bye Bye‑elections – Tories in Crisis

A Brief History of Britain’s Anti‑Trade Union Laws

Planes, trains and a cost of living crisis

Sunak’s Cost of Living announcement: progressive changes but no long‑term solutions