Boris Johnson has a ‘tell’, and for a consummate liar that is a problem. Beth Rigby from Sky news caught him out on Monday 13 December. The question that prompted the tell this time was about the story that just will not go away. Sacrificial ministers have been sent around media studios for well over a week to counter the newspaper’s revelations. Dominic Rabb had a go on the Marr show but embarrassed himself by suggesting the police don’t investigate things that happened in the past. What? This comes from a lawyer who is the current Justice Secretary. Even disgraced ex-Health Secretary Matt Hancock had a go when nobody else could be found to defend the party.
Did someone say party?
Or should that be ‘gathering’?
The difference – balloons and party poppers according to one Tory MP. The UK Cabinet Secretary Simon Case has his work cut out and was tasked with investigating one party last week. This has subsequently turned into many parties, that is if you believe the Prime Minister when he states all the parties will be looked into. Technically, the top civil servant can keep to his brief if he investigates the Conservative party; party by name party by nature.
Where will Case take his findings? To the PM? We all know what happened to the Home Secretary about bullying claims against her. If it hadn’t been for the public outcry, Owen Paterson may have just got away with his misdemeanours as well. This UK government likes marking its own homework.
Back to that tell, Rigby in the Sky interview asks the Prime Minister if all of the alleged parties at Downing Street would be investigated, including the Zoom Christmas quiz. Notice that Johnson doesn’t look straight into the camera, sort of looks off to the side; that’s his tell, he almost denies it, but video evidence is so powerful. Just ask Hancock!
I can’t believe there isn’t more anger on the streets. There should be. The disrespect this government has for the people is for all to see, it is in those photographs and video footage. While the population last year was abiding by legislation to protect the NHS and the vulnerable by locking down, those at the heart of power were choosing to ignore it. This is not the first time the Tories have behaved like this.
They have previous.
While families up and down the country were following the tiered rules, Downing Street was doing what it wanted. This is the fundamental problem with the elites; rules are for the plebs, not for them. You only have to look at the contempt Johnson’s father, Stanley, has shown to wearing a face covering on public transport, the idea is to cover the mouth and nose! Follow that with recent photographs of the PM on a train, the one in which he is not wearing a mask, and this shows the absolute derision they have for the people.
I’m still amazed that ex-Labour party voters fell for the ‘get Brexit done, a man of the people’ routine and switched their votes to the Tories. Could they really not see past their xenophobia and recognise the damage this government would do to their class. I will say it just once here, Conservative governments have never done anything for the working class.
Quizmaster Johnson can’t even say sorry to the voters when the video evidence is there for all to see. The rolling of the eyes, as if the journalists are just making it up, this is the tell and the disdain he has for you. Remember he was unable to find the time to chair COBRA, but a quiz, that’s fun, just like HIGNFY. It doesn’t take the education of an old Etonian to know that this government and Prime Minister’s time is up.
They have had us for fools.
Government contracts for their family and friends. Trips during lockdown to test one’s eyesight. Paid advisers who have become more than just good friends. Herd immunity. Shortage of PPE. Now it’s Christmas parties, where will it end?
This can’t all be priced in. It’s time to be angry and bring down this government.
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