In the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election (21 September) and beyond, wherever the exploited and the oppressed are in struggle and in contests over elected institutions, the PSA is mobilising among the working people in all regions of the country, through public meetings, and marches, and protesting authoritarian neoliberalism and for a socialist future. Its presidential candidate is the young lawyer and Aragalaya militant Nuwan Bopage.
The PSA’s common minimum programme promotes six main ideas and messages.
Exit IMF. Sri Lanka must break from its 17th agreement with the IMF that is expanding neoliberalism through sell-off of public assets; rolling back state provision of public goods, and undermining local production through foreign investment and free trade agreements.
End Austerity. Remove the burden of the economic crisis from the backs of the working people and the poor; protect their living standards; and right to a decent and dignified life.
Eliminate Suppressive Laws. Repeal oppressive laws that repress freedom, democracy and human rights such as the Prevention of Terrorism Act, the Online Safety Act, etc.
End exploitation and marginalisation. No discrimination based on gender, class, nationality, ethnicity, ability, sexuality, language, and religion. An approach to the Tamil national question beyond what is in the existing Constitution.
Establish People’s Power and Democracy. The participation of the people in political life cannot begin and end with casting a ballot during elections to representative institutions. It must be an active and continuing part of society beginning from committees and councils in neighbourhoods, social institutions, and in workplaces.
Embark on a socially just and inclusive economic system. The present economic system rewards the rich and powerful. It is based on exploitation and impoverishment of people and nature. Another better way of organising social and economic life is needed, based on each according to their ability, and to each according to their needs.
On behalf of the People’s Struggle Alliance, the Socialist People’s Forum appeals to comrades outside Sri Lanka for your solidarity and active support. Please contribute to this international appeal through our account below, marking your donation as ‘PSA Election Fund’.
Account Name: Samajawadi Janatha Sansadaya
Bank Name: People’s Bank
Account Number: 014200150015070
Branch Name: Union Place
Bank Code + Branch Code: 7135 – 14
Dharmasiri Lankapeli, Secretary, Socialist People’s Forum
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