Sage nursing home strikers victorious

Simon Pearson reports on the amazing victory for the striking workers at the Sage nursing home.


We have covered the dispute between care workers and their employer the Sage nursing home situated in North West London a number of times on the website. The most recent article written by Fred Leplat highlighted the two-day strike in October. This was their second two-day strike (and the third round of strike action) in a dispute over poverty pay and working conditions.

I am pleased to report that the striking workers have now secured a well-deserved pay increase. From 1 December the care workers, domestic and maintenance staff will receive the London Living Wage which will result in a minimum 11% increase, all other staff will see an increase of 5%.

In a Press Statement released by CaWSO, a national campaign that helps to organise care and support workers said.

CaWSO are so proud of all the workers at SAGE. They have fought for their rights and dignity at work whilst maintaining professionalism and care for those they support. They have been the leaders of our movement and an example to us all.

This is the start. Care and Support Workers across the country deserve better and we will follow in the path forged by these courageous workers…

…We look forward to fight alongside them until we win our end goal – a nationalised support service which provides quality care and support, a system where both workers and recipients of support have power and voice, a system which free for all and they when we need it.

This just goes to show there is power in the union, and when striking workers are united they can win. A*CR congratulates all those involved in the campaign, which includes the workers, UVW and CaWSO. Care and Support workers deserve better pay and working conditions, which recognises the dedication and hard work they perform in a challenging environment looking after some of the most vulnerable in society.

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Simon Pearson is on the Editorial Board of the Anti*Capitalist Resistance and is a Midlands-based political activist.

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