SAGE workers back on strike

The SAGE workers are back on strike and need our solidarity.


The SAGE Workers are going back out on strike in a couple of weeks from the 20th-22nd of October. They require our solidarity. I have written a brief summary of actions taken so far and actions for during the strike. CaSWO! (Care and Support Workers Organise) are holding an emergency meeting on Sunday to discuss wider solidarity actions. All are welcome.

The SAGE workers initially went on strike during the pandemic, it was a difficult decision to make but the workers were demanding union recognition, £12 per hour, and terms and conditions in line with the NHS regarding sick pay.

Management were very hostile towards the strike action and things have not improved for the workers in the care home. The United Voices of the World members narrowly missed out on a union recognition agreement via the ACAS process but management and the board of trustees promised to create a staff council as a forum for workers to voice their concerns around terms and conditions but also ongoing health and safety issues.

A staff council meeting was called however, management and the board of trustees failed to attend illustrating their lack of commitment to address the genuine concerns of the workers.

A recent CQC report at the home highlighted that improvements to the home were needed, and highlighted that service was ‘not well led’. Other issues concerning understaffing and a blame culture within the home remain.

The workers at SAGE have decided to go on strike to demand that the employer comes back round the table and listens to the workforce. They no longer want to be ignored and they continue to demand dignity at work and better terms and conditions.

The SAGE workers will strike from the night shift on 20 October thorough to 22 October.

The run of events so far are:

21st of October 8am – Picket Line outside the Care Home

Sign up link to receive the latest on picket line actions: >>
E-letter to Trustees can be found here.
Please donate to the strike fund here.
Here’s the campaign page where you can meet the workers and access the news stories and above links too.

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