2012 the centenary of the sinking no tickets to be had for the museum opening I tour the Belfast shipyard on a small boat its an industrial heritage tour de force The deserted offices of the former White Star Line, the lighter which took passengers to the great liner with its chimney smoking A barely functioning shipyard with solid stone quays covered in green weeds and moss A graveyard of the great Industrial Age A strain now to imagine the huge girders, the thousands of workers, the giant boilers, a hive of worker bees constructing the Goliath from steel and wood Art Nouveau artists completing the interior with its great winding staircase Thousands lined those deserted quays on her launch seeing in her the great white hope, the triumph of science and engineering over nature But the iceberg got her, puncturing the illusion as the water poured in drowning rich and poor alike, though mostly the steerage passengers hoping to escape the poverty of Irish cottages for the gold lined streets of New York Her sinking a symbol of hubris and mans pride a warning from a century ago For this century continued with its great projects, its belching forth of gas and oil More icebergs line the Atlantic now than then and the great ice sheets continue to disintegrate Still on the bridge the captain ignores the danger and continues headlong toward destruction, extinction, rupture and annihilation The great Ark like the great liner seems indestructible but the gashes have already opened along the sides and the water pours in angrily Deckchairs continue to be moved on the deck and the band that is global power continues to try and soothe the hapless passengers But the cold dark waves will still prevail as they did with the Great Unsinkable as cities too slide into their watery graves deckchairs bobbing on the surface.
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Already the backsliding begins. ITV news is reporting that the Government has changed one point in the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill. They have accepted that academies will retain their ‘freedom’ to set their own pay scales for teachers. So the criteria in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions document will only apply to teachers in Local Authority schools. Why have the Government climbed down on this issue? It’s not as if this is a major financial problem for academies. But what will be the next change/climb down by the Government? Will academies be exempt from the National Curriculum? Will Local Authorities be able to build schools according to the needs of their communities or will all new schools, as at present, have to be academies?