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We condemn the expulsion of Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi from the Labour Party
A statement from current and former members of the Labour Party
Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, a Jewish member of the Labour Party elected to the National
Executive Committee in August 2022, was expelled from Party membership on 15th December.
Her expulsion, for an alleged rule breach more than a year earlier, disenfranchises
the thousands of members who voted for her. They have been deprived of her
voice as one of the nine directly elected constituency party representatives on
the NEC. This arrant disregard for democracy comes as an attack not just on
Naomi but on the rights of all members.
Large numbers of dedicated party activists, including prominent trade unionists and
councillors, continue to be suspended, expelled or excluded from candidate
selection. Naomi’s expulsion is a particularly flagrant example of the Party
leadership’s extreme factionalism.
We are outraged at these denials of internal democracy. We demand Naomi’s reinstatement to the NEC.
This form is for individuals to sign. The signed statement will be sent to Keir Starmer, David Evans and the NEC.
Labour and trade union movement organisations and branches can endorse the statement here.
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