11 February Manchester Iran mobilisation

Red Roots Collective, a group of Iranian socialists in Manchester, makes this appeal.


Red Roots Collective is working with Manchester Trades Council to organise a national demonstration on 11 February, to meet at 1pm at All Saints Park on Oxford Road, and march to Piccadilly Gardens.

Red Roots Collective appeal

We are writing to you to invite you to participate in our march in solidarity with Iranian uprising. This is to commemorate the 1979 revolution in Iran as well as 2011 revolution in Egypt and 1911 in China. On this day internationalist collectives and groups in different European cities have organised a coordinated day of action in order to echo the voice of progressive struggles. We will be celebrating the idea and action of revolutionaries and standing strong against reactionaries who try hard to hijack and confiscate the revolution. To that end we need your solidarity and support!
You can also support our campaign using the following link:


Together for Revolution
Against oppression and reactionary forces, for emancipation!
-International solidarity with struggles of Iranian people against both Islamic and royalist dictatorship
-Commemoration of anti-dictatorship, anti-imperialist revolution of 1979
-Echoing the voice of women’s struggle and queer society
-For the voices of workers movement and a world free from exploitation
-For all the oppressed peoples and social groups subjected to violence and exclusion

In Solidarity
Red Roots Collective

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