Twilight O’Hara is a psychology student and revolutionary socialist in the United States. She is at work on a book reconstructing Marxism based on philosophical idealism.

Traumas & Futures

Be Realistic – Demand the Impossible!

Cis Solidarity with Trans Struggle, Jack in Conversation with Rowan Fortune & Twilight O’Hara

Global Anti‑Trans Movement

AC Radio Episode 9 – Hayao Miyazaki’s pigs vs fascists

Hannah Arendt and the Banality of Evil

Programme and class to fight trans oppression — a reply


An Exchange of Letters

Transphobia is not a Humanism: A Response from News & Letters

False Consciousness and Ideology

A Trans* Guide to Cis Solidarity: Beyond Oppression

Reflect Upon your Woke Sky

Transphobia is not a Humanism

Morality in Ceika’s Hammer

Transgender Solidarity II: T4T