Just as happened in Birmingham in 2010, a small group of disabled activists have come together to organise a protest on the 5th of October between 11 am – 1 pm. The meeting place will be announced a week prior to the event on this Facebook page and on Twitter. The events hashtag will be #ToriesKill
We are using this hashtag because:
Tories are killing the planet by not taking the ecological crisis seriously enough.
Tories are killing people by putting profits before people.
Tories are killing older and disabled people through eugenic policies, cuts to services, body fascist benefits policies, and increased social restrictions on choice and control.
We have witnessed what happened to older and disabled people during the Covid-19 pandemic where Tory politics resulted in countless unnecessary deaths in residential homes or left to die alone in their own homes. We have also witnessed wholesale disregard for the rights and interests of people who rely on social support.
We face an ecological disaster and climate change is already causing havoc, which means increased threats to people’s lives. All this exists in addition to the current cost of living crisis. As things stand, we have seen little said about the massive impact Tory policies have had on older and disabled people’s lives over the last twelve years.
Shortly before the Conference, it will be fifty years since Paul Hunt wrote a letter to the Guardian urging disabled people to enter dialogue around ending institutionalisation and social exclusion. This led to a new social movement – the Disabled People’s Movement. Since then very little structural change has occurred; the fight for emancipation is no longer visible.
We need to light the torch again; assist disabled people to find their voice again, and resist the Tory attacks on our civil and human rights. The 5th October could act as a match if we work together to start a new flame of hope.
Disabled People’s Alliance says:
We need a new vibrant resistance movement to further an eco-social agenda.
We need your support, to tell the truth to power: #ToriesKill
If you can help publicise our event among your organisations, friends and family. If you can come and support us as disabled activists or as nondisabled allies giving solidarity, that would be great. If that is neither possible nor practical, talk with us about what you might be able to do via social media or locally.
More details will appear on the Facebook page between now and the event on the 5th.
Let’s tell the Tories what we think of them!
The Anti*Capitalist Resistance Editorial Board may not always agree with all of the content we repost but feel it is important to give left voices a platform and develop a space for comradely debate and disagreement.
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