
17 December 2020 (Premiered 8 October 2020)

Serie documental que registra parte de los procesos de resistencias luego del 18 de octubre de 2019. Un pueblo que sale a las calles ante la desigualdad de un modelo económico y un sistema patriarcal que decae a causa de una revuelta que provoca cambios en la estructura social del país.

Translation: Documentary series that records part of the resistance processes after October 18, 2019. A town that takes to the streets before the inequality of an economic model and a patriarchal system that decays because of a revolt that causes changes in the social structure of the country


Como resguardo de quienes se manifiestan en las calles, la fuerza de la primera línea es fundamental durante las protestas, es un escudo y lucha espontánea, como resistencia de la violencia de estado.

Translation: As a safeguard for those who demonstrate in the streets, the strength of the front line is essential during the protests, it is a shield and spontaneous struggle, as a resistance to state violence.

This is an amazing series of short films covering the protests in Chile that brought to an end the neoliberal constitution. Below is episode 1 and the rest of the series can be found here on YouTube.


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