Steve Ryan

Anti*Capitalist Resistance members in Wales were saddened to hear of the death of member Steve Ryan.

While Steve has been very ill, the suddenness of his death has been a shock.

Steve was well known as a left activist in the civil service union PCS and IRSF the tax workers union before that. He was a fighter as a trade unionist, but he was so much more than that. Steve was originally from the West Country but lived in Wrexham for many years. There, he was at the centre of local campaigning. Recently he had taken the lead in calling action in support of the Palestinian cause.  If there was a picket about low pay or an anti-fascist mobilisation Steve would be there

He was a member of Left Unity; his politics being based on action from below and a deep commitment to green issues. He had the ability to work with a wide range of socialists of different persuasions and was always seeking to unite various left individuals and groups in action.  He was open to new developments and enthusiastically engaged with the initial Corbyn upsurge before focussing on Left Unity as the Corbyn movement receded.  Steve had taken an interest in the setting up of Anti-Capitalist Resistance and joined us a few months ago. He was keen for ACR to become involved in the project to develop a Radical Ecosocialist Independence campaign in Wales. His untimely death makes it incumbent on Ecosocialist pro-independence organisations to work together to create such a campaign.

Steve loved his music and festivals. He loved life and was always great company. Resolute in his politics but having the ability to reach out to people in different parties and none.

He will be sorely missed.

Sadly Steve passed away yesterday after a short battle with cancer. He was surrounded by his family and was comfortable and in no pain.

We know Steve touched so many lives through his union work, festivals and campaigning for human rights and are so proud of that fact.

Steve was a very active member of Left Unity Wales and made a huge contribution to our debates, our manifesto and in other ways, as in the video link that follows. He was an active member of the Left Unity UK Executive.

At the core of Steve’s politics was the support of the idea that radical social change comes about through the self-activity of people and in particular, the working class. He put this into practice in his union work as well as advocating the importance of making links between local politics and those that have an international impact.

Len Arthur LU Wales secretary

Recently he recorded this interview (box below) on why he thought the Paris Commune remains an important example to all of us. In line with his family’s request to share memories we would invite you to listen again to the interview:

Art Book Review Books Campism Capitalism China Climate Emergency Conservative Government Conservative Party COVID-19 Creeping Fascism Economics EcoSocialism Elections Europe Event Video Far-Right Fascism Film Film Review Fourth International France Gaza History Imperialism Israel Italy Keir Starmer Labour Party Long Read Marxism Marxist Theory Migrants Palestine pandemic Police Protest Russia Solidarity Statement Trade Unionism Trans*Mission Ukraine United States of America War

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