“Walkout Wednesday” (a photo essay)

Thank you for all of the great images taken by members of the Anti*Capitalist Resistance who are marching today.

PCS members outside Caxton House in London
The Level in Brighton
Crowds gathering in Manchester
Large NEU and PCS demonstration, with a large number of young people and children!
FEs aren’t striking, but City and Islington College UCU staged a 15-minute stoppage to show solidarity with strikers and to defend the right to strike.
A massive march building in London that took two hours to leave, very lively and militant.
The march in London
Over 4,000 people protesting in Manchester
Today’s demo in Brighton. Several thousand, mostly teachers
2000 in Cambridge. Very noisy. Contingents from NEU, UCU, PCS, United, ASLEF and others.
Community support at our local primary school (London)

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