The Dublin “riots”

Nigel Mulligan gives us a short response to what he saw last Thursday night.


“Let no Irishman throw a stone at the foreigner; he may hit his own clansman. Let no foreigner revile the Irish; he may be vilifying his own stock..”

James Connolly

A Dublin City Cinderella Crime Caper

A five-star riot, the papers might say.

Who do we really blame for the “riots” on Thursday 23 November in Dublin?

Surely not dislocated immigrants, most of whom bring great diversity and resources to our country, and many of whom will be medically looking after us at some stage in their lives, our lives. We know where that kind of Hilterite propaganda goes.

The roots of our issues here are not people looting shops or burning Gardai cars; those sorts of attacks are universally common for the oppressed poor to react against a system that won’t let some be a part of it.

The blame, unequivocally, is on the sick capitalist system we live in, one driven by the ruling class and propped up by conservative governments that stand over policies that make poor people poorer and rich people richer. This is a system that gets stronger when working, and the middle classes target and blame each other.

Who profits from the riots?

The tech-power media groups (Tech-Feudalists), these elite control narratives, fire out far-right racist ideologies and disinformation that can whip up a riotous storm in a short space of time, such as last Thursday. We think we are using our phones and devices, but Musk & Co. are using us to spread fear, hysteria, and hate worldwide.

Ireland continues to offer a shady tax haven deal for international BigTech corporations, but in response to the riot, they are apparently sparing no expense and resources of ‘high-end’ police technology to catch the looters. In a twist on the beloved Cinderella tale, DNA samples will be taken from discarded shoes on O’Connell Street and used as evidence to identify those who took Asics runners without paying!

In a twist on the beloved Cinderella tale, DNA samples will be taken from discarded shoes on O’Connell Street and used as evidence to identify those who took Asics runners without paying!

This is not a fairy-tale ending. There will not be a prince calling to the culprits door, but the DPP. Those are the Robin Hood-like hoodlums who not only robbed hoodies, but they committed the worst kind of seasonal sin; they interrupted the Christmas shopping cycle, and the Minister has ensured the public they will bear the full force of the law.

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Nigel Mulligan is a writer, psychotherapist, lecturer and filmmaker living and working in Dublin, Ireland.

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