Against Campism, for International Working‑Class Solidarity

“America First” and the great upheaval in international relations

Rebuilding Hong Kong’s Democratic Movements in Retreat: A Response to Zi‑yuet

Charting a new course for Hong Kong’s struggle

Between Chinese Surveillance and Israeli Settler Colonialism

The beginning of the end of China’s rise?

Capitalism’s New Age of Plagues, Part 6: China’s Livestock Revolution

Systemic Poverty is a Huge Hindrance to China’s Economy

More 3 Body Problems

The Tyranny of State Productivism

The bubble, the state, and the crooked‑mouthed monk: the Chinese property crisis and its culprits

“Opposing US militarisation in the Asia‑Pacific should not mean remaining silent on China’s emerging imperialism“

China and Israel Have a Long History of Cooperating in Repression

Capitalist globalisation, transnational class exploitation and the global police state: An interview with William I. Robinson

Imperialism(s) and the New Cold War

The Unbearable Manicheanism Of The “Anti‑Imperialist” Left

Grain is the key, sweep away everything else

Ai Weiwei  – Making Sense

The Left and Ukraine: Two Pitfalls to Avoid

On Charlie Hore’s Review of The New Cold War

Taiwan, militarism and the reactionary campaign against China

Washington Is Obstructing the Path to a Political Settlement in Ukraine

The New Cold War with Gilbert Achcar

War Clouds Thicken Over Taiwan, What Should the Left‑wing Standpoint be?

Dijiu tianchang (So Long my Son): A Poignant Portrayal of Human Resilience and Political Change in China

AC Radio Episode 10 – The Fashion Industry under Capitalism

There’s No Settlement of the War in Ukraine Without China

“The world situation is that of a new cold war”

The Spectacle of Imperialism: Unpacking the Global Performance of Violence and Domination

China’s New Left: The Revival of Lost Traditions

A Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down Foreshadows Future Conflicts

Why did Foxconn Workers’ Protests in Zhengzhou Happen: The Seven Evil Deeds of Foxconn, the CCP and Apple

Zero‑COVID, reopening, and the proliferation of state capitalisms

What China is reading

Great Power Rivalry Resurgent

Chips: the new arms race

The Foxconn uprising in Zhengzhou

Socialists Should Support the Popular Resistance in China

One‑Man Show Disrupted by a Nobody

China: Xi’s third term – part 3: chips, dual circulation and imperialism

Postcard from Gauteng

China: Xi’s third term – part two: property, debt and common prosperity

China: Xi’s third term – part one: growth, investment and consumption

The United States and China in Latin America: Rival Imperialisms

Living with Political Clarity: A Tribute to Xiang Qing

Tory candidates push anti‑China cold war

My girlfriend is on Chinese television

China FAQ 常见中国问题解答系列 – Wasn’t China a communist country under Mao? 毛的中国不是共产主义国家吗?

The United States and Eurasia: Some geopolitical reflections at a time of global crisis

Grasping global imperialism at the root

Reform or revolution: The strengths and setbacks of the 1989 Pro‑Democracy Movement

After the fire: Soil in spring

Lockdown and Political Repression in China

After the fire: Fallen flowers

China FAQ 常见中国问题解答系列 – Is China a capitalist country? 中国是资本主义国家吗?

Xi, Please Ask Putin to Withdraw His Troops

“Global Britain ”, “AUKUS”, etc. Anglosphere supremacism and the promised wars in the China Sea

Massive Online Resistance to the Covering up of the Case of the Xuzhou Chained Woman

“Age of Awakening”: A Comparison of Chen Duxiu and Mao Zedong Thought

Why the Left Should Oppose the Beijing Winter Olympics

An Orwellian City Soon Joining an Orwellian State

What is missing from the debate about the China‑US contest

China: a new imperialism emerges

What future for Hong Kong?

Reaction, not Revolution

Party Media Hands down Death Sentence to Teachers’ Union, The HK Rule of Law is Dead but not the Resistance

Old Wine in New Bottles? ‑The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its centenary

The Tiananmen Square massacre 32 years on: