Rowan Fortune authored Writing Nowhere; edited the anthology of utopian short fiction Citizens of Nowhere; and contributed to the collaborative book System Crash. It writes on utopian imagination, revolutionary theory and trans* liberation.

After the Trans “Debate”

AntiCapitalist Radio Episode 16: UK and France Elections Special

Traumas & Futures

Strange Playgrounds: The Cass Report and The UK Trans Panic (With Rowan Fortune)

Be Realistic – Demand the Impossible!

Trans* Visibility

Full autonomy for trans youth

Disability Praxis: A Marxist Analysis of Oppression and Liberation

The Ideology of Anti Extremism

Cis Solidarity with Trans Struggle, Jack in Conversation with Rowan Fortune & Twilight O’Hara

Episode 13 – Grifter Capital

The Limits of Left Moralism

Global Anti‑Trans Movement

Queering in the End Times

The Price of Labour’s Transphobia

Trans Ordinary

Grifter Capital

Reactionary Branding


The Tories’ Nativist Natalism

What is Naturalisation

Drag Queens and Tory Liars

Beyond Evil and Lesser Evil

AC Radio Episode 10 – The Fashion Industry under Capitalism

AC Radio Episode 9 – Hayao Miyazaki’s pigs vs fascists

Being Trans, 2023

Fascist Threat and Socialist Hope

Queering Everybody Part II

The Vaccine Strategy without Vaccines

Queering Everybody I

Goldmann’s Wager

ACRadio Episode 5 – The Working Class #1

Programme and class to fight trans oppression — a reply

Streaming Horror

ACRadio Episode 1: Would a Labour left government calm the financial markets?


Feminine Power

Picture of the Week: Anti‑Trans Desecration

An Exchange of Letters

Queer Poetry

Cultivating Shared Agency

Why so Political?

Hard Work, Balance, Loyalty

Transphobia is not a Humanism: A Response from News & Letters

Trans* Love, Tory Hate

False Consciousness and Ideology

A Trans* Guide to Cis Solidarity: Beyond Oppression

Refugees in Rwanda: Tory racism goes into overdrive

Trans Visibility Day: Invisibilities, Visibilities, and Liberation

Malaria Moloch and Covid or How I learned to love the virus 

Reflect Upon your Woke Sky

She Who Must Not Be Named

Transphobia is not a Humanism


Gender Recognition or Reaction

The Patel Police State

Freedom and Covid

A Carnivalesque Capitalism

Transphobia, Yet Again

Getting Used to Climate Catastrophe

Capitalism without a Human Face

The Sepia‑Tinged New

Transgender Solidarity III: Camaraderie

Transgender Solidarity II: T4T

Transgender Solidarity I: Radical Genders

Incel Terrorism

A Haunted Refuge

Binaries are for computers

Identity and Liberation: a critical Marxist difference

Uncommon Sense