The group for all things cultural.

Artifice from artifice: The Substance

If I Must Die

Industry Series 3 – “Everyone’s Collateral, Right?”

Surrealism as a revolutionary movement

Sport and Cis‑Realism

The Blue Rider – A Radical Art Movement

Peter Kennard – The Art of Protest

Now You See Us – Women Artists in Britain 1520‑1920

Burn Out: The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat

Creeping Doppelgängers

Yoko Ono – Music of the Mind

Non Binaries and Anti‑Zionists. Eurovision Song Contest 2024

The American Society of Magical Negroes

More 3 Body Problems

Perfect days.. (no) shit happens?

This Ibsen Adaptation Forces Us to Confront Our Failing System

Philip Guston (1913‑1980) bearing witness to brutality and injustice

Divas – What are they good for?

Queering in the End Times

Gaza: A Film that Humanises a People

Sea of Troubles Connects the Bloody Dots from Mediterranean to Gaza

Women in Revolt – art and activism in the UK 1970 to 1990

My top five reads of 2023

A World in Common – Contemporary African Photography

The Arrest

This Land Is Whose Land? Indian Country and the Shortcomings of Settler Protest

Dijiu tianchang (So Long my Son): A Poignant Portrayal of Human Resilience and Political Change in China

Defying Expectations: A Gripping Exploration of Policing and Gender in a Murder Case

Rise, Roar, Revolt on film

The Wrong Sort of Jew: A Play Exposing Labour’s Antisemitic Purge

Everything Everywhere for Everyone

Women’s abstract art ‘re‑discovered’

Sylvia – feminism through song and dance (or Sylvia hip hops)

Challenging Capitalism: Perspectives from Anti*Capitalist Resistance

Alice Neel, painter and anarcho humanist, 1900‑1984

Fly in League with the Night

Saint Omer…a woman has killed her baby

Queer Tolstoy and anti‑authoritarian struggle today

Jack’s Manchester story

Till – film which resonates down the years

Lydia Tár

The Forgotten Women of Surrealism: A Magical, Short Animated Film

Netflix’s “Farha” is a mild depiction of the Nakba

“The Territory” (a review)

The American Surveillance State

Andor – Resistance and Rebellion (a review)

Women Making Modernism

Triangle of Sadness (a review)

The World Cup has exposed the bankruptcy of the Abraham Accords

The Banshees of Inisherin

Booker Books 2022

Crosscurrents and the Force of Nature – Winslow Homer

The English – a Western that tells the truth

Qatar World Cup, not just about the football

Vin au Bord de la Mer (Wine by the Sea)

A Very British Conspiracy

Free Albania (not)

Secrets of a holiday island

One hundred years of the Beeb


Whatever Happened to Antisemitism?

A Caribbean Carnival of protest

“Total, BP or Shell will not voluntarily give up their profits. We have to become stronger than them…”

The Quiet Girl (An Cailín Ciúin)

Diary of a Pandemic Shop Steward 2022

Communization future histories: Everything for Everyone

Why so Political?

Hard Work, Balance, Loyalty

Trotsky, the Passionate Revolutionary

‘It were them the cause not you’


To Understand Elon Musk, You Have to Understand This ’60s Sci‑Fi Novel

This Is England 2022

Don’t extradite Julian Assange

When Netflix Started Making Television, Television Got Worse

Migration, homesickness and the Arab Street

Cultural destruction – why it matters

Psychologising Picard

Inside Putin’s Russia

Audiences as performers – Lubaina Himid

No perfect Lenin: Review of ‘Revolutionary Collective’

She Who Must Not Be Named

NHS under the knife

Covid – In Memoriam

Stone Men: The Palestinians who built Israel

Defend Ukraine, defend the planet

Falling Down

Losing your home, losing yourself

Questioning the Whiteness of Western Art

Desire International – Russian LGBTQ Art at Pushkin House

The Ottomans, 500 years of change