Search results

Hanna Perekhoda: ‘The fight for freedom in Ukraine is intimately linked to the global struggle against fascist forces’

Ukraine three years after all‑out invasion: Continue solidarity and support

On arming Ukraine and the struggle against militarism

Ukraine’s resistance – the challenges of the war for independence

Ukraine under Russian occupation

Ukraine: For a People’s Peace, not Imperial Peace

Ukraine debate at UCU Congress 2024

Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom: A Socialist Case for Solidarity and Self‑Determination

No Path to Peace in Ukraine Through This Fantasy World

Palestine, Ukraine and the crisis of empires

Arguments for a “left agenda” faced with the war in Ukraine

Ukraine: “Tensions are building… due to the neoliberal policies imposed by the government”

Russia turns Ukraine’s occupied areas into an armed camp

From Ukraine to Palestine – Occupation is a Crime

Ukraine: Russian troops out—Stop the genocide

From Ukraine to Palestine: the right of peoples to self‑determination

Making Sense of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Making Sense of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine by Paul Le Blanc In this small book, Paul Le Blanc tries to ‘make sense of the Russian invasion of Ukraine’. His starting point is for a victory for Ukrainian self-determination and opposition to imperialism in all its forms. Paul Le Blanc tackles the following themes: What Mistaken Friends Say […]

Palestine and Ukraine: how the 21st century empires wage war

Stand with Ukraine: TUC Backs Their Right to Resist Russian Aggression

A Palestinian View on Ukraine: Parallels of Occupation and Solidarity

Medical aid for Ukraine: An urgent appeal

Ukraine and the abstraction of violence: my reply to Tom Dale

Ban cluster bombs – Ukraine is no exception

The Left and Ukraine: Two Pitfalls to Avoid

The debate on Ukraine at UCU Congress 2023

Global Post‑Fascism and the War in Ukraine

Washington Is Obstructing the Path to a Political Settlement in Ukraine

From Ukraine to Palestine: The Poisons of Denialism

Comments on Noam Chomsky’s New Stateman interview on Ukraine

There’s No Settlement of the War in Ukraine Without China

Consistent anti‑imperialism and the Ukraine war

One year after the Russian invasion, what should solidarity with Ukraine look like?

Statement on one year of war in Ukraine – ACR steering Committee

On the Anniversary of Russia’s War on Ukraine: Analysing the Roots of Russian Imperialism

‘Ukraine is fighting occupiers and tormenters’

“Now Ukraine Needs Allies, Not Talk of Neutrality”

Ukraine: this new cold war must end before the world faces Armageddon

Russia‑Ukraine: one year of war – the economics

Supporting Ukraine—Without Writing a Blank Check

The Ukraine War and the Cost of Living Crisis

The invasion of Ukraine one year on

No arms to Ukraine?

The Far Right in Ukraine (An Interview with Taras Bilous)

Making sense of the Ukraine war

What are the Lessons of Vietnam for Ukraine Today?

Svitlana Romanko speaks with Ukraine Socialist Solidarity Campaign

Social Movement (Ukraine): Looking back at 2022

Are Peace Talks Possible? Prof. Gilbert Achcar on Whether Russia & Ukraine Can Negotiate End to War

Ukraine: Voices of Resistance and Solidarity (a review)

Ukraine: “Which Peace Are We Talking About?” An Interview with Gilbert Achcar

For a democratic antiwar position on the invasion of Ukraine

Q&A: Navigating the Left’s Ukraine Debate

Exiled Russian Activist Challenges Pacifist Approach to Ending War on Ukraine

The war and the future of Ukraine and the left movement

No, the West Didn’t Halt Ukraine’s Peace Talks With Russia

UKRAINE: Voices of resistance and solidarity

A collection of recent writings by Ukrainians and socialists around the world. This is an extremely important book published at this tragic moment when our country has been invaded. It builds a bridge of solidarity between the people of Ukraine and the working class around the world. The contributions make it easier to imagine a […]

International solidarity. How foreign leftists are helping Ukraine in the war

Voices From Ukraine

Outside of Ukraine, “Leftists” are accustomed to only listening to those from Moscow: Interview with anarcho‑syndicalists in Eastern Ukraine

Ukraine Information Group launched

Putin’s Annexation of More Ukrainian Territory is Part of Pattern of Ethnocide and Genocide. Stand with Ukraine.

UKRAINE: Voices of resistance and solidarity

Untimely Thoughts: Notes on Revolution and Ukraine

Did Lenin Create Ukraine? On the Right of Nations to Self‑Determination and Marxism

Ukraine, war and the British left

‘Today, people are not just fighting for Ukraine but to destroy the Russian regime’

Lenin, Ukraine, and the Amnesia of the “Anti‑war Left”

Ukraine and the Dangers of Nuclear War

Ukraine: the invasion of capital

Ukraine could abandon key labour principle as part of EU drive

Union aid: support Ukraine mineworkers’ resistance

The War in Ukraine and the Contradictions of Turkish Politics

Ukraine and the Peace Movement

Ukraine’s recovery must benefit the people. The West has other ideas

Durham and Ukraine miners: historic links of friendship

After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

‘Death sentences’ of British & Moroccan POWs in occupied Donbas show clearly why Russia must be driven out of all of Ukraine

Ukraine’s ecosystems: the price for global food security

The Conquest of Ukraine and the History of Russian Imperialism

War in Ukraine: solidarity with Ukrainian resistance, against all imperialisms

Gone Rogue: The Left and Ukraine

The Ukraine War Will End, But How?


Putin’s conquest of southeast Ukraine: Vexed questions of ‘negotiations’, gotcha moments and real imperial interests

How the Russian Public Sees Events in Ukraine Today

“A form of political paralysis is affecting the French left over the war in Ukraine”

Report: International conference of European Solidarity with Ukraine

On the Frontier of Whiteness? Expropriation, War, and Social Reproduction in Ukraine

Ukraine, Global War Economy, and the Crisis of Capitalism

Why should Ukraine’s debt be cancelled?

Against Putin’s War in Ukraine

How Russia’s Ukraine War and the West’s Response to it Accelerate Environmental Havoc

Once More: Should socialists support or oppose NATO arms to Ukraine?

Ukraine and the Left

London: Trade unions rally to support Ukraine!

For Arms Manufacturers, the War in Ukraine Is a Profits Bonanza

Putin is not only waging war on Ukraine, he is also destroying Russian society

Unions Stand with Ukraine

Russian troops out of Ukraine/Down with all imperialist power/ Solidarity with the people of Ukraine

Ukraine: The return of Francis Fukuyama

Ukraine and anti‑imperialism — Gilbert Achcar and Alex Callinicos debate

An embarrassing war: what to do when Russia attacks Ukraine but you are left‑wing?

French trade unions plan workers’ convoy to Ukraine

March for Ukraine

Ukraine: the sources of danger of a wider war

Six FAQs on Anti‑Imperialism Today and the War in Ukraine

Ecosocialist Alliance Statement – Ukraine/Climate Emergency

To Help Ukraine, Cancel Its Foreign Debt

Against Imperialist War! Ukraine, Russia, NATO and the U.S

Russian War on Ukraine Churns American Politics

‘We need a peoples’ solidarity with Ukraine and against war, not the fake solidarity of governments’

Ukraine: No To Partition! Yes To Reunification!

Why Ukraine is a Syrian cause

A strategy for the working class in Ukraine

Against war in Ukraine and the New Imperialism: A Letter of Solidarity with the Oppressed

War in Ukraine: Ten Lessons from Syria

Ukraine and the left

The Historical Background to Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

Russian troops out of Ukraine

Defend Ukraine, defend the planet

Support Ukraine Solidarity and comrades in Ukraine

Don’t Be a Tankie: How the Left Should Respond to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

A memorandum on the radical anti‑imperialist position regarding the war in Ukraine

Putin’s war in Ukraine: In Saddam Hussein’s footsteps

Hands off Ukraine

Russian imperialism makes power grab against Ukraine

NO TO WAR – Russia Hands off Ukraine!

Myths About the Russo – Ukraine Crisis

London Protest calls for hands off Ukraine

Stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine

The Age of Neofascism and Its Distinctive Features

Why we need an ecosocialist organisation

Understanding Trump’s Reelection

COP29 in Baku Azerbaijan: the biggest challenge since COP15 in Copenhagen in 2009

Why do socialists organise internationally?

Political Review of 2024

Understanding the rebellion in Syria

What is happening in Syria?

Climate protests bring together the environment and Palestine

Debate on the Left in Britain – towards a new broad party?

Oil’s history: dissecting the many‑headed hydra

Trump and the Middle East: What Lies Ahead?

ACR Statement: Trump’s Second Term – Now is the time for a global fightback

Industry Series 3 – “Everyone’s Collateral, Right?”

Al‑Aqsa Flood, the West and the Holocaust: A Conversation

Strategic Reflections on the Escalation of Israeli Intimidation in Lebanon

The ‘progressive’ musicians putting profit over Palestine

Gun Violence and the Marketing of Militarism

Anti‑Fascism and the Fall of Atlanticist Liberalism

On the Murder of Children and the Return of Genocide to Banality

BRICS and Israel’s ongoing energy supplies

“We have not been able to provide any credible alternatives to NATO”

Workers Party of Britain

Strengthen the united and militant left, prevent the far right from coming to power

Europe is turning black and brown

Stopping Le Pen with the United Front

Manchester Withington in the General Election

UCU Congress 2024: Solidarity with Palestine and the Fight for Justice

Germany – The Collapse of the German Left

Hunger Data Compared with G7 Military Spending

The Drums of War are Banging in Europe

UCU Congress 2024: Key Issues and Debates Explored

European elections – far right surge but centre holds on

Keralam: Holding out against Modi

Academic Freedom and Education Issues at UCU Congress 2024

International Solidarity at UCU Congress 2024

General Election 2024: End the Tyranny of Conservative Rule

What’s behind the accusation of antisemitism hurled at Karim Khan

Kanaky – put a stop (really) to the time of colonies!

Rafah and El Fasher: Genocidal War and Duty of Solidarity

The author and his book

Ukrainian letter of solidarity with the Palestinian people

Anticapitalist Resistance Maps Out a Radical Ecosocialist Strategy at the 2024 Conference

Call to Action: Join the National Demonstration in London on March 30—Ceasefire Now, Stop the Genocide in Gaza!

A shift to the right but an uncertain future after elections in Portugal

Terrorist Attack in Moscow: When the government’s response is more frightening than the terrorist attack itself

Internationalism or Russification

Internationalism or Russification A study in the Soviet nationalities problem by Ivan Dzuyba Internationalism or Russification? was written in 1965 while there was a wave of political repression in Ukraine. In the book, Dzyuba analyses from a Marxist position the national and cultural policy of the Soviet Union in Ukraine. The book was first sent to the Secretary of the Central […]

Left activism in Turkey

Politics at the Oscars

International Women’s Day 2024

Support Russian Political Prisoners – Free Boris Kagarlitsky!

Charges of antisemitism weaponised

Palestine frames British politics today

Portuguese Elections –Left Bloc leader in debate

“Stop the War” Means “Death to the Dictatorship”

The UK economy is in Recession: Quelle surprise!

Labour’s wins by‑elections, but rubbish in Rochdale

Alexei Navalny: Putin’s latest victim

Two, three, many Lenins

Why Putin invaded: a socialist analysis

“Tensions are building in Ukrainian society as a result of neoliberal policies imposed by the government”

Israel’s Genocidal War After Four Months

Global Anti‑Trans Movement

What internationalism do we need today?

Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister:”Israel pursues objectives similar to those of Russia”!

The first US‑Israeli joint war

Gaza war offers the ultimate marketing tool for Israeli arms companies

Developing countries’ are trapped in a new debt crisis

100 Days of the Israeli Attack on Gaza

Gaza: A Ghastly Window into the Crisis of Capitalism

Italian workers at GKN in Florence continue 3 year exemplary struggle

The Revolution against the Odds: an Interview on Rojava with Anya Rebrii and Liza Shishko (Part II: Survival against the Odds)

South Africa accuses Israel of ‘genocidal acts’

Urgent appeal for solidarity

Could the U.S. Become Involved in a War Between Venezuela and Guyana?

“A Heavy Blow”

Interview with Ukrainian and Russian socialists

Left Perspectives: Navigating Capitalism, Conflict and Authoritarianism in 2023

Defining Ecosocialism

The Zionist Genocidal War and Its Accomplices

Antisemitism and stalinist realism

Unprecedented humanitarian crisis amidst imperialist intervention and counter‑revolutionary revenge in Yemen

Barcelona dockers will not operate ships carrying arms

What to boycott NOW to help stop Israel’s unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

Can Global Capitalism Endure? A review of William Robinson’s latest book.

Palestine and Israel: Historical, Legal and Moral Issues

The Plan to Complete the Nakba Revealed

Expel all Palestinians from Gaza, recommends Israeli gov’t ministry

Gaza, the West, and the Rest

The Russian Invasion and the Ukrainian Left

The Russian Invasion and the Ukrainian Left The Struggle for a Social Ukraine Commons Journal 13/2023: Edited by Stas Serhiienko, Published by Resistance Books. The Commons journal of social criticism is a left-wing Ukrainian media about economy, politics, history and culture, founded in 2009. ContentsArticles on: To the Western left, Between Survival and Resistance, and For a Just […]

Writing on the Wall for Sunak and Starmer

Two Gaza Scenarios: Greater Israel vs. Oslo

Capitalist globalisation, transnational class exploitation and the global police state: An interview with William I. Robinson

“It feels like the apocalypse”

Pablo –  the footloose revolutionary

Sudan’s huge tragedy and the way out

Reactionary Branding

Imperialism(s) and the New Cold War

After “Socialism”: The Republic of Lithuania

Revolt and Reaction

Belarus: oil refinery trade union leaders arrested

The Unbearable Manicheanism Of The “Anti‑Imperialist” Left

Russia: I’m a Ukrainian leftist. This is why I support Boris Kagarlitsky

Portugal’s Left Bloc: ‘We provide a solid political reference point to the workers and social movements’

Trans*Mission July Roundup

Campaigning to free Kagarlitsky: why and how

Anticapitalistas (Spanish State) statement on the general election to be held on 23rd July.

Hunt’s ‘no more money’ claim aims to blame workers for massive cuts

Governments are reinforcing fossil fuels’ power. We need to build alliances against it

On Charlie Hore’s Review of The New Cold War

What does Prigozhin’s march mean?

Fred Carpenter (1952‑2023)

In honour of Esteban Volkov (1926‑2023)

Adorno in the Kremlin

Trans*Mission Weekly Roundup

“What did each of us do to stop this nightmare?”

Corbyn in Budapest: “We Have to Be Organised on an International Basis”

“They Also Used to Laugh at Hitler”

Trans*Mission Weekly Roundup

Taiwan, militarism and the reactionary campaign against China

Some Thoughts on Solidarity, Morality, Guilt and Atonement…

Statement of the anti‑war committee of Kyrgyzstan

Western capital, warmonger Putin and the climate policy disaster

Issues facing UCU Congress 2023: democracy, industrial strategy, international solidarity and equality

Bring together the anti‑fascist struggle and class struggle. If not now when?

Against Half‑Solidarity and False Pacifism – Statement of the Russian Socialist Movement on May Day

Desperate Journeys. Sick System!

The New Cold War with Gilbert Achcar

War Clouds Thicken Over Taiwan, What Should the Left‑wing Standpoint be?

The Violent Crackup of the Post‑WWII International Order: Notes on the Geopolitical Crisis and Global Capital

Ransacking Iraq

Banks on the Brink? The Origins, Nature, and Trajectory of the Crisis

Feminist resistance in Russia

Ukrainian socialists in the diaspora: lessons on Cold War solidarity from another era

“HS2 Delay – Levelling Up in Doubt”

Donate to POSLE

Challenging Capitalism: Perspectives from Anti*Capitalist Resistance

Women on the front line everywhere!

The political economy of the cost of living crisis in the UK: What is to be done?

Women’s Rights, Human Rights

“The world situation is that of a new cold war”

The UK’s Illegal Migration Bill: Sustaining Divisive Myths and Fuelling Far‑Right Extremism

The Spectacle of Imperialism: Unpacking the Global Performance of Violence and Domination

“Russia Is Giving Carte Blanche to the Far Right”

What Russian Socialists did on the Anniversary of the Invasion?

Happy birthday, Kirill Butylin

Voices of the Ukrainian Resistance

The Ukrainian Question for Socialists

We Say: War on War!

The Nord Stream pipeline explosions: challenging false narratives

Meloni Marches on

Queer Tolstoy and anti‑authoritarian struggle today

A Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down Foreshadows Future Conflicts

The pro‑Putin demands of Britain’s “Stop the War” campaign

The orchestra of the blind, the deaf, the amnesiacs, the storytellers and the accomplices plays its score

“Whether One Prison Is Better than Another Is Not the Point: It Shouldn’t Be There in the First Place”. Part 1

Five Theoretical Reflections on Ukrainian Resistance

The crisis of hegemony, imperialism and global security challenges

Russia: ‘I sacrificed myself to the regime, but I am not a terrorist’

Against Multipolar Imperialism

The anti‑imperialist position is to support the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people’

All Quiet On The Western Front

Davos 2023 Showed Us a Ruling Class Incapable of Resolving Global Crises

Where the “Motherland” Calls: From Gender Mythology to Political Action

It is always darkest before the dawn: how Russian anarchists today struggle for revolution 

Russia and South Africa: the oppressors make a deal

Crimean People’s Republic

Resisting war and repression in Putin’s Russia

After a Pathological Sleep

Russia: the time for protest has gone, it’s time for resistance

A new left is forming – it just isn’t in the same party (yet)

Call for solidarity actions with anti‑war activists in Russia

USA in Africa: the return

My year in pictures

Capitalism’s Court Jester: Slavoj Žižek

Stalinist Realism part 1

Fifth Congress of the NPA: A door opened to hope

The price of gas and the costs of war

Great Power Rivalry Resurgent

International food crisis and proposals to overcome it

Russia. Renaissance is not going to happen

“Power Should Return to the People”

A Year in Articles

Strikers Fight for us all

Neoliberal Fascism, Cruel Violence, and the Politics of Disposability

“For Me It’s Easier That Way:” Why Facts Won’t Beat Propaganda

Chips: the new arms race

The Left View on the Prospects of Peace Negotiations

The geopolitics of crisis

A brief response about my purported “change of position”

The World Cup has exposed the bankruptcy of the Abraham Accords

COP27 was a spectacular failure – boycotting future COP conferences, however, would only compound the problem

Saito: the metabolic rift and de‑growth communism

Catch 22! – 48 hours of Tory Corruption and Confusion

The rich make us pay for their profits! Let’s mobilize against the rise in the cost of living

On Chechen Resistance and Postcolonial Solidarity

Goodbye, “Russian Romance!”: an Interview with Kavita Krishnan. Part 2

Free Alaa Abd el‑Fattah, #FreeThemAll

After the first week in Sharm El‑Sheikh – COP27 is at the brink

Goodbye, “Russian Romance!”: an Interview with Kavita Krishnan. Part 1

The labour movement needs to put forward a socialist fiscal plan

Ukrainian socialist Denys Pilash: ‘Russia will only negotiate if it suffers some defeats’

COP27‑ Still Fiddling While the World Burns

China: Xi’s third term – part 3: chips, dual circulation and imperialism

“Bureaucrats Are the New Kings.” How War and Mobilization have Affected the Lives of Industrial Workers

Postcard from Gauteng

The limits of western economic war with Russia and the failure of climate policy   

What is the significance of the Saudi oil decision?

“Stop the War!” Discussions of the German Left

#ToriesKill22 – Disabled People’s Alliance Die‑In

Iranian Revolution, Political Islam and Global Capitalism

Achieving climate justice is about solidarity across borders. Not charity

Starmer’s “Green Growth Superpower”

Austerity 2.0

War and resistance in Putin’s Russia

Post Fascist Leader Giorgia Meloni Wins in Italy

Not a Single Soldier for the Criminal War!

‘Polluters must pay’: UN chief calls for a windfall tax on fossil fuel companies

How to Feed the World Without Destroying the Planet

Support Ukrainian Resistance and Disempower Fossil Capital

Return of the Dinosaurs

The King, his Prime Minister and the Class Struggle

Italian elections – heading for a Meloni far right government?

“Putin Doesn’t Know Any War Except Class War”

The Need for Anti‑War Socialist Feminism

“The Worker Is Always Vulnerable”

The Ecological Scars of War

Million say ‘enough is enough’, as Tories plan massive attack

Eastern Europe’s Tragedy. How the Spheres of Influence Policy Amplifies Reaction

How to fight the reactionary racist and fascist regime in Italy’s general election

Biden’s Climate Act a potential game changer

The experience of the International Youth camp, an essential political moment!

‘The Canary in the Coal Mine’: Sri Lanka’s crisis is a chronicle foretold

Tory candidates push anti‑China cold war

I’m a Ukrainian Socialist. Here’s Why I Resist the Russian Invasion

Support the Grassroots 5

“When there’s a problem, people come to us”

Our Submission to The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales

The Weaponisation of Food

British Trade Unions Donate Vehicle and Medical Equipment to Ukrainian Counterparts

“We were for peace!” Only they were not

I’m a Ukrainian Socialist. Here’s Why I Resist the Russian Invasion.

Demand President Zelinskyy veto anti‑worker Laws 5161 and 5371!


10 Terrible Leftist Arguments against Ukrainian Resistance

NATO expands – Kurds betrayed

The United States and Eurasia: Some geopolitical reflections at a time of global crisis

Democracy means equal participation in the “our common life” enterprise 

Trotsky, the Passionate Revolutionary

Towards a new permanent global war?

“The right to resist.” A feminist manifesto

Their Values and Ours: The Debate over Western Values and the Values of the Socialist Left

After Johnson: Spartans propel surge to the right

Johnson – self pitying and delusional to the end

The guerrilla war on Belarus’s railways

The aggressor always needs peace, the oppressed always need liberation

NATO and a War Foretold

In the War: Nationalism, Imperialism, Cosmopolitics

Ukrainians face forcible deportation and conscription by Russian forces

Why is Ukrainian resistance invisible to you?

Reinventing Nazism for state propaganda: How morality is being replaced by force 

The Rightwing’s Supreme Court Coup

Inside the Ukrainian Resistance

Russian Capitalism Today: A Case of ‘Primacy of Politics’?

NATO From Bad to Worse

Macron’s regime in disarray

Friday day four UNISON 2022 conference – the final round

Why is the Kremlin so committed to this war?


Planes, trains and a cost of living crisis

Cold War 2.0: Trauma and Nostalgia

We need a Green, Purple, and Red New Deal to combat this economic crisis

Unafraid to Be Called a “National Traitor”

Russia is kaputt

Against “Economic Surgery”: The Resurgence of Protest in Iran 

With the resistance of the Ukrainian people for its victory against the aggression

In a Broken Society, Who Supports the *Not‑War?

‘The Russian empire is failing in its own way’

The Forgotten History of Ukrainian Independence

Sunak’s Cost of Living announcement: progressive changes but no long‑term solutions

After the fire: Soil in spring

Revolutionary defeatism, yesterday and today

Russia: a new wave of anti‑war protest

Israel’s murder of Shireen Abu Akleh

Mass Protest Is Rising — Can It Confront Global Capitalism?

Why So Many Russians Believe Propaganda

Two enemies, one fight: climate disaster and frightful energy bills

The Justice Train from Bucha

The Gig Economy’s Corporate Crime Problem

Anti‑Work: From “I Quit” to “We Revolt”

Ukrainian Feminists under Western Eyes

Cultural destruction – why it matters

Five things we have learnt from the local election results

Fascism and the Imperialism of the Kremlin

“Humanitarian aid alone is not enough”

Transnistria and Moldova: a lesson in Russian power play

Against Price Increases and Oligarchs – A New Protest Movement in Albania

A Tremendous Resistance: Feminists in Russia against the War and Patriarchy

Resisting the War to Push for a More Egalitarian World.

The war on workers?

The Death of Neoliberalism Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

The IPCC WG3 Report: It’s ‘now or never’ for the planet

Sotsіalnyi Rukh needs financial aid

Russia and U.S. Uranium

Female Face of Russian Anti‑war Movement: Why Women Protest?

Inside Putin’s Russia

From Managed Democracy to Fascism

Russia’s Bucha ‘Facts’ Versus the Evidence

Standing up for education – NEU Conference 2022 report

Open letter to universities to divest for Palestine

Refugees in Rwanda: Tory racism goes into overdrive


Holding Putin Accountable Would Require an Actual Rules‑Based World Order

Day two at the NEU Conference

Day one at the NEU conference

IPCC WG3 report: from scientific rigour to social fable

Back On The Streets‑ The return of XR

Climate change and wars

French elections – left eliminated from first round…again.

Can the God of global fascists and Nazis “de‑Nazify” a country?

Ukrainian socialist: ‘The future of demilitarisation lies in stopping Russia’s war machine now’

Against Russian Imperialism

NATO, Explained

The bankruptcy of a one‑sided “anti‑imperialism”

The ABC of national liberation movements: A political guide

French Presidential Election – Left divided and on back foot

From Israel to Russia, occupiers are remaking the world order

From Cold War to Hot Peace

An exchange of views

Exclusive! Transcript of a meeting between Rishi Sunak and his advisors

End the addiction to fossil fuel‑ support the Ukrainian resistance

Six cats, thirty people, four mortar shells. Two weeks in the occupied Kyiv suburb

Malaria Moloch and Covid or How I learned to love the virus 

Reflect Upon your Woke Sky

Xi, Please Ask Putin to Withdraw His Troops

RUSSIA: Manifesto of the Coalition “Socialists Against War”

Net Zero Sum Games

How can the climate movement and the anti‑war movement come together?

‘No war but the class war’. Not a very useful slogan

Reflections on revolutionary socialist organization today

“The Left in the West Must Rethink”

NATO, imperialism and the war

Refugees need solidarity, not a hostile environment

Murky future. What would Putin do in case of his military defeat?

Stop Putin’s war!

How Russia’s war will help reshape Britain’s economy

The Russian Resistance to Putin Has Just Begun

Bulgaria: Between Pro‑War Consensus and the Need for an Anti‑War Movement

Not all refugees are equal

In Honour of International Women’s Day: In the Words of Our Founding Mothers

Putin’s Invasion: Imperialism after the epoch of Lenin and Wilson

8 March of struggle for women’s lives and for equality in the production of life!

The World According to Russian Propaganda

Russia’s feminists are in the streets protesting Putin’s war

Russian White Guards in the Donbass

Happy international women’s week

How Europe Learned to Use Central Banks as a Weapon

Putin’s international friends

An echo from the past

Sanctions, a question of who, where and when

On appearing to be on the same side as one’s own imperialism

Stop Pretending the Left Is on Putin’s Side

Ordinary Russians don’t want this war

Stop Putin’s Aggression Immediately!

Internationalism, Anti‑Imperialism, And the Origins of Campism

“We are in a worse situation than during the Cold War”

Inside the Kazakhstan revolt

NATO and imperial domination

Against NATO and Russian military escalation in Eastern Europe

The rulers of the great powers are playing with fire

Truss vs Sunak, the tale of the tape

Behind factions fighting and no 10 gaslighting…


London picket of Kazakhstan embassy!

Russian Hands Off Kazakhstan!

What do we mean by a Global Police State?